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Integrated Care Partnership meeting: Thursday 15 December 2022


The Durham Centre, Belmont Industrial Estate, Durham DH1 1TN.

Day and time

Thursday 15 December, 2:30pm - 5:00pm

Further Information

Please contact Lynda Hutchinson at

View the meeting notes from the inaugural Integrated Care Partnership meeting on 20th September here.

Purpose of report

Integrated Care Partnerships (ICPs) are required to publish an Integrated Care Strategy by the end of December 2022. The purpose of the strategy is to show how the ICP will meet the health and care needs of the population served. 

View here.

Purpose of report

The purpose of the Integrated Care Strategy is to provide a strategic direction and agreed key commitments to improve the health and care of people in the North East and North Cumbria. 

View here.

Purpose of report

Based on prior engagement, the ICP developed a draft integrated care strategy which set out the ambitions and goals to improve the health of all communities across NENC, as well as the steps that will be taken to make these ambitions into reality. Stakeholders, partners, and members of the public had the opportunity to help shape this evolving strategy.

View here.

Purpose of report

To propose Terms of Reference, membership, and ways of working for the Strategic ICP and Area ICPs.

View here.

Purpose of report

To seek approval from the Board for the terms of reference. 

View here.