The Auditorium, Durham Centre, DH1 1TN
Tuesday 28 November 2023 10.00 - 14.00hrs
The Auditorium, Durham Centre, DH1 1TN
Tuesday 28 November 2023 10.00 - 14.00hrs
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Agenda Items
5 - Minutes of the previous Board meeting on 26 September 2023
Draft Minutes for approval by the Board
6 - Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 26 September 2023
Draft Minutes of the Annual General Meeting for approval
Action log of open and completed actions since last meeting.
Executive Chief Nurse to provide verbal update.
The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of recent activity carried out by the ICB Chief Executive and Executive Directors, as well as some key national policy updates.
9.1 - Board Assurance Framework
To present the Board with an updated Board Assurance Framework (BAF) as part of the quarterly review for 2023/24 which was reviewed by the Audit Committee at their meeting on 12 October 2023. Changes to the BAF requested by the Audit Committee have been made.
9.2 Highlight Reports and confirmed minutes of the Committees of the Board
Highlight Reports and Confirmed Minutes.
9.2.2 - Quality and Safety Committee highlight report and confirmed minutes
To provide the Board with an overview of the discussions at the meeting of the Quality and Safety Committees held in July and September 2023, including the approved minutes for assurance.
9.2.3 - Finance, Performance and Investment Committee highlight report and confirmed minutes
To provide the Board with an overview of the key points and approved minutes from the FPI Committee meeting held on 7 September and 5 October 2023.
The LeDeR Annual Report, is a statutory requirement that provides assurance about delivery of LeDeR including numbers of reviews, causes of death and learning/improvement action undertaken across North East and North Cumbria.
10.2 - Integrated Delivery Report
The NENC Integrated Delivery Report (IDR) provides an overview of quality and performance, highlighting any significant changes, areas of risk and mitigating actions.
The report uses published performance and quality data covering August 2023 for most metrics and September 2023 for others, unless otherwise specified. Finance data is for September 23 (Month 6).
To provide the board with an update on the financial performance of the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (NENC ICB) and NENC Integrated Care System (ICS) in the financial year 2023/24 for the period to 30 September 2023.
10.4 - Primary Care Access Recovery Plan
The purpose of the paper is to present the NENC ICB Board the recommendations of the Primary Care Strategy & Delivery Sub-Committee of the Primary Care Access Recovery Plan (PCARP).
A presentation was also delivered on the day.
10.5 - Artificial Intelligence and Health
Executive Chief Digital and Information Officer presented on the day.
10.6 - Medication use and practice in North East and North Cumbria analysis and action
A presentation delivered on the day can be viewed below.
10 - Clinical correspondence failures between points of care: information technology implications
A presentation delivered on the day can be viewed below.
11 - Better Health and Wellbeing for All - Delivering our Strategy for Children and Young People
A presentation delivered on the day can be viewed here
12 - Questions received from the public
No questions were received in relation to items on the agenda for 28 November 2023.
A letter received from Keep Our NHS Public was responded to and can be viewed below.