The commissioning of a service by the ICB
If you have a complaint, concern or compliment about the way an NHS service has been planned and commissioned by the ICB, or you have been directly affected by a decision relating to commissioning decisions made by the ICB, please contact:
Tel: 0191 374 4218
Post: Complaints Team, North of England Commissioning Support Unit, John Snow House, University Science Park, Durham, DH1 3YG
A funding decision made by the ICB
Complaints relating to funding decisions made by the ICB are not routinely handled via the complaints process. However, the Complaints Team can provide advice on the relevant appeals processes to follow and can be contacted as above.
A service provided by a GP practice, dentist, pharmacist or optometrist
If you have a concern, complaint or compliment about a doctor (GP), dentist, pharmacy or optometrist, please contact the provider directly in the first instance. If you would prefer not to approach the provider about the complaint, then please contact the ICB as below, but please note that the ICB will still need to contact the provider to investigate your complaint.
Tel: 0191 512 8277
Post: Primary Care Complaints Team, North East and North Cumbria ICB, Pemberton House, Colima Avenue, Sunderland SR5 3XB
For help finding your nearest GP, dentist, pharmacist or optometrist, you can use the online search facility on the NHS UK website.
Other NHS services
If you have a concern, complaint or compliment about the provider of NHS services such as a hospital, mental health service, urgent care service, ambulance service or community service, please contact the provider directly in the first instance. If you would prefer not to approach the provider about the complaint, then please contact the ICB as below, but please note that the ICB will still need to contact the provider to investigate your complaint.
Tel: 0191 374 4218
Post: Complaints Team, North of England Commissioning Support Unit, John Snow House, University Science Park, Durham, DH1 3YG