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A Storyteller process has been developed to provide ICB staff with guidance on how to gather stories about lived experience. It allows a patient, carer, member of staff, or a stakeholder to describe their lived experiences of healthcare in their own words, whether it be positive or negative.

Listening to storytellers share their experiences allows the ICB to understand views about local healthcare services and helps to improve decision making and buying of services. The ICB puts patients at the heart of service development and decision making to improve people’s experiences and access to health care. The experiences of staff providing this care, and stakeholders supporting people in the community can also help us to learn and improve the services we provide.


The lived experiences we collect will be presented at the ICB’s Quality Safety Committee and Board meetings. A member of staff, carer or family member can present the story on behalf of the storyteller is preferred.

If you would like to share your story and experiences, please get in touch by emailing

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