Families tell us that they are often told their child needs a diagnosis from the NHS before they can receive support.
This is not true.
The no diagnosis = no support is a myth.
Families also tell us they expected a lot of support and services to be made available to them once they received a diagnosis and were shocked when the same support available to them before diagnosis is also available after an assessment or diagnosis and the diagnosis does not give access to any additional support.
Don’t wait for support to be offered to you – you can access support for your child and yourself now.
County Durham Family Hubs
All support available through the County Durham Family Hubs is free. As well as parent groups and free training sessions there are coffee morning style drop-in sessions for parents to speak face to face with a neurodiversity specialist in some of the Family Hub buildings.
You do not have to access the Family Hub nearest you, you can go to any in County Durham. Find your nearest Family Hub. Click on each of the Hub locations to see a schedule of activities, along with the location address and telephone number.
Go to help for families and look for “Courses and groups for families of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)” to find out what neurodevelopmental support is on and where.
The County Durham Family Hubs Facebook page is updated every day with useful information and activities/events taking place across all 15 Family Hubs.
Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and our Local Offer
The "Local Offer" in County Durham is designed to help you find the very best support for your child or young person (from birth to 25 years) with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). It is here to help you find information, advice and guidance about the types of services and support available to you.
It’s Good To Talk!
If your child is in school, ask for a chat with the school SENCO. Each school has a SENCO who is a teacher that has had extra training in special educational needs and/or disabilities. Any parent can ask to meet with the SENCO to talk about their child/the child they care for.
SENCO stands for special educational needs and/or disabilities coordinator
If you’d like to talk with other parents, contact Making Changes Together. Making Changes Together are Durham’s official Parent Carer Forum and a group of parent carers volunteers who work with professionals to influence and improve services to children and young people (0-25 years) with special educational needs and disabilities within the Durham local authority area.
The Making Changes Together website has a great list of useful links and support groups.
Durham SEND Information Advice and Support Service
Another good source of support is the Durham SEND Information Advice and Support Service. The service provides confidential information advice and support through a range of services. This includes home visits, attending meetings in educational settings and liaison with all services working with children and young people. Training and guidance to parents/carers, young people and professionals on SEND issues are also provided.
Website: durhamsendiass
Telephone: 0191 587 3541 or 03000 267 007
If you are unable to get through, please leave a voicemail and we will return your call within 5 working days.
Email: sendiass@durham.gov.uk
Online: You can contact us by completing our contact form.
Facebook: Durham SENDIASS Facebook
How do I get in touch? |
Who can they help? |
How can they help? |
Being a parent of an autistic child (EPEC course) EPEC = Empowering Parents Empowering Communities |
Email: EPEC@durham.gov.uk
All families are different, and all autistic children are different. Our free course supports you and your autistic child. For parents, carers, and grandparents. |
This is an in-person, 10 week course. If you usually work during the times when the course takes place, get in touch as Family Hubs may be able to support you to attend. |
Supporting your autistic child - course from Durham Learn |
Durham Learn durhamlearn@durham.gov.uk 03000 266 115 |
Mams, dads and carers of children or young people who are pre or post autism diagnosis. |
A popular series of 10 workshops helping you develop personal coping strategies, communicate better with your child, find out about support both in and out of school. Please note we can enrol you on a course after the start date has passed. |
Stepping stones (Triple P) course - course from Family Hubs |
Stepping stones (Triple P) course - Durham County Council |
Parents who also have a child with a disability or additional needs. |
Stepping Stones is for parents of children with a disability or additional need up to the age of 12. It is great if you are struggling with your child's behaviour or if you would like to learn parenting skills to help promote their development and potential. |
Supporting your autistic child - workshop by North East Autism Society |
To book a place please contact Rebecca Weatherstone on 0191 410 9974 or email rebecca.weatherstone@ne-as.org.uk |
Mams, dads and carers of children or young people who are pre or post autism diagnosis. |
One off workshop covering, worries and action planning, common misconceptions, differences in autistic children, practical strategies to use in everyday life. |
One-to-One session to discuss any issues in confidence with North East Autism Society |
To book a session please contact Rebecca Weatherstone on 0191 410 9974 or email rebecca.weatherstone@ne-as.org.uk |
Mams, dads and carers of children or young people who are pre or post autism diagnosis. |
These appointments are for families that have questions or would like to discuss any issues in confidence. |
Online sessions by North East Autism Society |
Zoom webinars (ne-as.org.uk) |
Mams, dads and carers of children or young people who are pre or post autism diagnosis. |
Webinars available through Zoom including: Introduction to supporting autistic children, and Supporting the emotional wellbeing of autistc children |
Daisy Chain are the regional hub for Autism Central in the North East and Yorkshire |
Delivered by Daisy Chain in 4 Family Hub buildings: Durham (Gilesgate), Peterlee, Chester-le-Street, Bishop Auckland. Daisy Chain contact: 01642 378461 support@daisychainproject.co.uk Daisy chain coffee mornings and workshops - Durham County Council |
Parents and carers of children who have a need relating to autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), sensory processing differences, anxiety and social and communication differences. |
Coffee mornings and workshops for families of neurodiverse children (with or without a diagnosis). In person workshops: Understanding ADHD Sibling Support Learning Workshop Understanding autistic overwhelm Introduction to ADHD |
In-person workshops and events |
www.autismcentral.org.uk/events |
Parents and carers of children who have a need relating to autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), sensory processing differences, anxiety and social and communication differences. |
Online workshops and events |
www.autismcentral.org.uk/events |
Parents and carers of children who have a need relating to autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), sensory processing differences, anxiety and social and communication differences. |
Sessions such as Girls and Autism can be accessed through the website. |
Courses to support the health and development of children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) |
The Growing Healthy SEND Team Email: hdft.0-25senddurham@nhs.net |
Support for families of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Workshops on topics that are often raised by parents and carers of children with SEND. You can attend at any venue and are welcome to attend one, two or all three sessions depending on what you feel would be useful for your family. The workshops are aimed at parents and carers of SEND children aged two to 10 years old. |
* Sleeping well with SEND: strategies and support * Empowering Families: SEND children and continence challenges * Sensory challenges and fussy eating: strategies for SEND children |
Making Changes Together Parent Carer Training and Workshops |
To book places on any of the training sessions please email: tewv.countydurhamcamhstraining@nhs.net |
Parents and carers of children who have a need relating to autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), sensory processing differences, anxiety and social and communication differences. |
* Understanding Sleep * Understanding Behaviour Development in Children and Young People * Understanding Why Children Might Be Anxious About School * Anxiety, triggers and how to support your children * Emotional Wellbeing of our children and ourselves |
Durham SEND Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) drop-in sessions |
sendiass@durham.gov.uk 03000 267 007 |
Durham SEND Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) is a statutory service providing confidential, impartial support and advice for parents, carers, children and young people up to the age of 25 years in relation to special educational needs and disability. SENDIASS operates at 'arm's length' from the council. |
Why not pop into one of the monthly drop-in sessions in our Family Hubs if you: * have questions about your child's educational needs * would like more information or support in relation to SEND * need help with transfer arrangements, or paperwork, regarding the choice of your child's next education setting |
Educational Psychology drop-in sessions for parents and carers |
03000 261 111 |
Any parent who is concerned about their child can pop in to one of our drop in sessions, where one of our friendly team can offer advice, talk through your concerns and help you plan what to do next. |
We can help if, for example: * You are worried your child isn't talking enough. *You struggle to know what is best to do when your child has a 'tantrum'. * You've noticed your child doesn't play with other children much. * Your child is always on the go and doesn't sit still for any activity. * Your child really struggles to be apart from you. |
Pre-school group for children with complex needs (Portage) |
Download, complete and return the form on this website
Or telephone 03000 263 350 to complete the form over the phone |
We are a group of parents and carers of children, young people and adults aged 0-25 who have special educational needs and/or disabilities who live in North Tyneside. Our aim is to support parents and carers in our community enabling them to access services and give them a voice in shaping and developing these services. |
North East Parent carer forums regional PBS (Positive Behaviour Support) Workshops |
Book via Eventbrite |
We are a group of parents and carers of children, young people and adults aged 0-25 who have special educational needs and/or disabilities who live in North Tyneside. Our aim is to support parents and carers in our community enabling them to access services and give them a voice in shaping and developing these services. |
Family Hubs Durham Sleep Action Pathway
Families can access lots of support and advice from the County Durham 0-25 Family Health Service through their app. Download from your usual app store to a smart phone or tablet for free, create an account and then scroll to bottom of the home page to access "Sleep Support".

If you do not have access to a smart phone or tablet, here are the links to trusted information about sleep for children of different ages:
In our place - (for babies and young children)
NHS sleep and young children
Sleep action gateway to good sleep
If you have looked at the above and still need support you can telephone to ask for support from your health visitor or a Sleep Action Workshop in the Family Hubs 03000 263 538. The Sleep Action Workshops can be booked through the Growing Healthy app.
Free online Solihull courses, available to parents, carers and grandparents living in County Durham
Register online with OurPlace Online Learning to start a course. You do not need a code to access these free courses.
As a parent, you already know a great deal about your child. What’s different about the Solihull Approach is that it applies key messages from research to add to your understanding of your child.
The courses below can also be support for your emotional wellbeing. Parenting a child, especially one with additional needs can bring a range of big emotions, that at times may feel overwhelming.
Recognising and processing these feelings is a really important part of the care you provide your child.
- Understanding your child with additional needs
- Understanding the impact of the pandemic on your child
- Understanding the impact of the pandemic on your teenager
- Understanding your own trauma
- Understanding your child's feelings (a taster course)
- Understanding your child's mental health and wellbeing
- Understanding your child: from toddler to teenager
- Understanding your teenager's brain
- Understanding your brain (for teenagers only!)
- Understanding your feelings (for teenagers only!)
Tees Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust
Our child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) service in County Durham and Darlington offers free online training for parents and carers of children and young people. These sessions are for parents/carers of children and young people aged 0 to 25 years of age.
- Understanding why children might be anxious about school
- Anxiety (age 5 - 11, or over 11)
- Emotional wellbeing
- Adolescent sexual development and sexual risk
- Child to parent violence and aggression
- Understanding sleep
- Understanding behaviour development in children and young people
County Durham Early Help Team
Early Help is about identifying where a child or young person and their family might need support in either the early years of a child’s life or in the early stages of a problem at any time in their childhood.
For more information, please visit the portage service.
The Toby Henderson Trust
The Toby Henderson Trust (TTHT) is an independently funded charity supporting autistic children, young people and adults, their families and carers in the North East of England. We have an ongoing programme of FREE webinars, support groups and fundraising events. Webinar subjects covered can include Social Stories, Toileting, Sleep and Managing Meltdowns, to name but a few and are available to all families who reside in the UK.
Alternatively you can book by emailing us at: support@ttht.co.uk or calling: 0300 365 3055
A polite note: Please can we encourage you to only book onto webinars if you can attend (whilst appreciating that cancellation is often unavoidable due to the hectic constraints of family life!) Sadly over 100 booked onto a recent webinar but only 16 attended and we had to turn away others prior to the event who had wanted to join but could not because of capacity. This would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
Durham County Carers Support
Durham County Carers Support and Darlington Carers Support offer a variety of different services to local carers. We can work with you to help you find the information you need to care for someone and can inform you about other services to help you look after yourself.
Opening Hours: 9am-5pm Monday-Friday (excluding Bank Holidays)
Address: Durham County Carers Support Enterprise House, Enterprise City Meadowfield Avenue Spennymoor Co Durham DL16 6JF
Telephone: 0300 005 1213 : Text service: 07860017632
Email: admin@dccarers.org
Eric Charity
ERIC is the national charity dedicated to improving children’s bowel and bladder health. They support families to reduce the impact of continence problems for Children and Young People from birth.
Further information can be found by visiting their website.
Council for Disabled Children
The Council for Disabled Children support disabled children and young people and those with special educational needs to have full and happy childhoods, to fulfil their potential, and be active within the community also supporting parents of disabled children to be parents first and live ordinary lives. The service work with health, social care and education services around inclusion, training, education, and policy.
For further information please visit their website.
Little Treasures
We're a volunteer run charity who support autistic adults and children right across the North East. We aim to relieve the needs of autistic adults, children, young people and their parents, carers and siblings by providing facilities for play and recreation in the interests of social welfare in a safe and secure environment, and by providing support and practical advice to parents and carers.
Email - littletreasures18@gmail.com
Tel - 07749681130
Cerebra Sleep Advice Service
Alongside our Sleep Tips booklet and relevant guides, we also offer one-to-one support. This involves completing an application form for your child and two weeks’ worth of sleep diaries which we'll send out to you as long as you come under our criteria for support.
If you need one-to-one support and are a parent/carer or a professional referring a family with their consent to having sleep support, please click the button below to contact the sleep service.
If you have a question or query about our services please visit the website or email us at sleep@cerebra.org.uk.
Independent Provider of Special Education Advice (IPSEA)
Independent Provider of Special Education Advice (known as IPSEA) is a registered charity operating across England. IPSEA offers free and independent legally based information, advice and support to help get the right education for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
For further information please visit the website.
North East Autism Society
The North East Autism Society offers support to families that have a child or children with autism. For further information please visit or contact the following:
Website Email: info@ne-as.org.uk
Tel: 0191 410 9974
National Autistic Society
The National Autistic Society website has an area dedicated to supporting families. You'll find information about how we can help you to support an autistic family member. You can read stories from other families and access support from our community and branches.
Visit the national autistic society website.
County Durham NHS Talking Therapies Service
Talking Therapies is a FREE self-help, counselling and talking therapies service designed to help anyone living in the County Durham and Darlington area to deal with common mental health problems such as stress, anxiety or depression, as well as panic phobias obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and post-traumatic stress disorder.
For more information visit durham and darlington talking therapies
Or telephone 0191 333 3300 between 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday
Kooth is an online mental health service for all children and young people from 11 year to 18 years. Kooth offers a counselling and emotional well-being platform, accessible through mobile phones, tablets and desktop computers and are free at the point of use. It gives children and young people easy access to an online community of peers and a team of experienced counsellors. Access is free of the typical barriers to support: no waiting lists, no thresholds, no costs, and complete anonymity.
The service offers easily accessible mental health support to young people, irrespective of where they are on the spectrum of mild, moderate, or complex need.
Kooth is anonymous and free to use, making it a powerful early intervention and treatment resource which young people are keen to use. Young people can register on Kooth without having to provide personal details such as their name or address. It provides a safe and non-judgmental place for them to talk, connect and chat with others and know they are not alone.
More information can be found on the website.
Contact: For families with disabled children
Contact help families with disabled children. They provide information and advice relating to early years support, education, and learning, training, and parent carer participation.
For further information on how Contact can support you please visit the website.
Neurodiversity Celebration Week
Neurodiversity Celebration Week is a worldwide initiative that challenges stereotypes and misconceptions about neurological differences.
The website contains a lot of resources and guides for parents, schools and professionals which can be accessed for free via the website.