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Shortage of medicines for ADHD

Update February 2025

There is a worldwide shortage of ADHD medicines because of increased global demand and manufacturing problems. This situation is beyond our control, but we are doing everything we can to address the problem, and to support people with ADHD until it is resolved.

At the moment, this shortage is affecting some methylphenidate preparations. This situation may change and different strengths and preparations may be affected over the coming weeks.

This is an international shortage affecting all suppliers. Some products remain available, but we do not think there will be enough to cover all shortages of the affected preparations.

This shortage is beyond our control, but shortages of the various products are expected to resolve at different times over the coming months.

If you can't get your usual prescription

If your pharmacy does not have a supply of your prescription, the first step is to try other pharmacies, as another one may have it in stock. You can use the find a pharmacy page on the NHS website to find one near you.

Your local pharmacy may also help you to find a supply, and you can ask for your prescription to be made available to other pharmacies. If you are still unable to get your prescription, please contact your GP or ADHD service for advice.

There are alternatives available in most cases, but they may not be suitable for everyone. Your GP and ADHD service may be able to advise on alternatives for you, or they may recommend a dose change or short treatment break, and direct you to additional self-help resources. There are various support organisations and groups for people with ADHD across the North East and North Cumbria (see below for details).

If you run out

Methylphenidate: for most methylphenidate products there is an equivalent product that can be substituted. These medicines can safely be stopped for a few days, for example over weekends, but it's best to consult your GP or ADHD service for guidance if you think you are running out of medication.

If you have further questions, please speak with your GP practice or ADHD service.

Please remember…

Our doctors, nurses and pharmacists are doing everything they can to help people through a difficult situation. We know that this may be an upsetting situation, but please be patient and remember that this is a worldwide manufacturing problem and healthcare staff are doing their very best to help.