Clinical conditions strategic plan
For too long, people in our region have lived with worse health than the rest of England. We have shorter lives, more long-term conditions and higher rates of heart disease and lung cancer. One in five of us has anxiety or depression.
This needs to change. We have studied the data in detail, and developed an ambitious plan to improve people's health in the North East and North Cumbria.
We have high quality health services in our region, but we know we need to do more to prevent illness and help people stay well.
That's why the Clinical Conditions Strategic Plan targets the 12 health conditions where we can make the biggest impact.
What the plan covers...
For adults, the plan focuses on cardiovascular (heart) and respiratory (breathing) health, as well as lung cancer, lower back pain, anxiety and depression.
The plan sets big goals in each of these areas. That means helping more people quit smoking, and offering more checks so we can spot cancer earlier. It means more mental health services closer to home – like crisis cafes, safe havens and community support networks.
By making it easier to see a physio or occupational therapist, we can better help the 20,000 people who attend A&E with back pain every year.
For children, the priorities are diabetes, asthma, epilepsy, obesity, oral health, anxiety and mental health, autism and learning disabilities. These were chosen because they have a lifelong impact.
With high rates of childhood obesity, we will develop new services including help with diet and psychological support. We will also expand mental health support teams in schools, and regular health checks for young people with autism or learning disabilities.
The plan runs from 2025 to 2030. You can read the plan in full, or as a shorter summary, on our strategies web page or check out our clinical conditions animation below.