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What we aim to achieve

By working together we want to see

  • Fewer homes in the social and private sector that have category 1 hazards
  • Fewer homes that are categorised as non-decent and more homes that are categorized as meeting the Decent Homes Standard.
  • Fewer people in hospital when they don't need to be because they are supported at home to live well and independently
  • Improvements in people’s experience of housing, health, and care services
  • More joined-up working across health, housing, care and VCSE sector
  • More supported housing options, in the places where they’re needed.

Creating better homes for our community and linking together across different sectors and organisations is a key focus in many of our plans in the region. These include:

  • Better health and wellbeing for all an Integrated Care Strategy for the North East and North Cumbria which sets out a ten-year plan, agreed by all partners across the region, to ensure longer and healthier lives for all
  • People at the health of care which is a 10 year vision for adult social care
  • Health strands of North East Housing Partnership which is collaboration of social housing providers, local authorities and arms-length management organisations  
  • The NHS Integrated Care Board’s Joint Forward Plan which sets how the NHS will deliver, with partners, the Better health and wellbeing for all strategy which includes working to improve housing for people living in our most deprived communities