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Maternity public health prevention

Giving every child the best start in life (BSIL) helps make health fairer for everyone. Sadly, many children in the North of England don’t get the start they need to do well in life. Maternity care is one of the first chances to make a positive difference (Marmot, 2010).

The NENC LMNS public health and prevention team works on key plans to help children and families. The programme is run by a team working with system partners including service users, clinicians, public health directors, midwives and heads of midwifery, researchers, commissioners and academics. 

Our purpose

Working with partners, pregnant persons and their support systems, improve equitable access, experience and outcomes in pregnancy and postnatal healthcare.


  • Focusing on the Core20+ maternity framework, work with pregnant women to improve access and care for them and their support systems. This is particularly for women in the 20% most deprived deciles, Black, Asian or Minority Ethnicities and/or women with complex social factors. 

  • Improved care for groups at highest risk of health inequalities. 

  • Support clinical practice and service delivery in relation to healthy weight, alcohol, tobacco dependency, infant feeding, pre-conceptive health, and substance use

Image of Becca Scott

Becca Scott

Head of Public Health and prevention: NENC maternity services



Image of Ros Nun 

Ros Nunn

Public Health practitioner and specialist infant feeding lead