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Test projects

Our Secure Data Environment programme is currently testing some initial projects. These include the Newcastle University Patient Safety Research Collaboration which is carrying out several projects with the Secure Data Environment.  


  • One is mapping data to understand more about the care needs of older people who have recently been in hospital  

  • Whether patients in deprived communities are less likely to receive innovative cancer treatments such as immunotherapy.  

  • They are developing an artificial intelligence (AI) system to identify high risk glaucoma patients to ensure they are followed up and scheduled appropriately.  

  • One project is assessing whether using digital photography and AI can improve waiting times for skin cancer patients.  

  • One study is looking to find out the impact on patients when they are on five or more medications  


A separate research collaborative is also using data in the Secure Data Environment and artificial intelligence to identify people at risk of having more than one long term health condition. It is linking the healthcare data with other sources to understand the wider picture.  


If you want to work with us on a new project, please contact us to find out more