The Auditorium, Durham Centre, DH1 1TN
Board meeting held in public Tuesday 26 September 2023
Agenda Items
5 - Minutes of the previous Board meeting on 25 July 2023
Draft minutes of the previous Board meeting on 25 July 2023 for approval.
Open actions from previous meetings.
The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of recent activity carried out by the ICB Chief Executive and Executive Directors, as well as some key national policy updates.
The purpose of the report is to:
- outline for assurance the robust, comprehensive and co-designed winter planning process 2023/2024 including the System Resilience Framework across the NENC ICS; and
- outline the final Winter Priorities 2023/24 and risks for NENC ICB operating in a new national oversight environment supported by NHS Impact for UEC Recovery.
8.2 - Neonatal regional position
Chief Executive / Executive Chief Nurse presented.
8.3 - Peer Review of Freedom to Speak Up arrangements across NENC
Chief Executive and Executive Chief Nurse presented.
8.4 - Foundation Trust Collaboration Across Teesside
North Tees and Hartlepool and South Tees NHS Foundation Trusts have been exploring greater opportunities to collaborate over a number of years for the benefit of local people across Tees Valley.
This paper provides an update on progress.
9.1 - Fit and Proper Person Test Framework
To provide the Board with a summary of NHS England's Fit and Proper Persons Test Framework.
9.2.1 - Executive Committee highlight report
To provide the Board with an overview of the discussions from the Executive Committee meetings in July and August 2023.
Item 9.2.1 EC Public Highlight Report 11 July 8 August 2023 (1)
9.2.2 - Quality and Safety Committee highlight report and confirmed minutes
To provide the Board with an overview of the discussions at the meeting of the Quality and Safety Committee held in May 2023, including the approved minutes for assurance.
9.2.3 - Finance, Performance and Investment Committee highlight report and confirmed minutes
To provide the Board with an overview of the key points and approved minutes from the FPI Committee meeting held on 6 July and 3 August 2023.
10.1 - Integrated Delivery Report
The NENC Integrated Delivery Report (IDR) provides an overview of quality and performance, highlighting any significant changes, areas of risk and mitigating actions.
The report uses published performance and quality data covering June 2023 for most metrics and July 2023 for others, unless otherwise specified. Finance data is for July 23 (Month 4).
To provide the board with an update on the financial performance of the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (NENC ICB) and NENC Integrated Care System (ICS) in the financial year 2023/24 for the period to 31 July 2023.
10.3 - Joint Forward Plan 2024-25
This report provides the ICB Board with a copy of the proposed Joint Forward Plan for approval.
11 - A Strategic Focus on Mental Health in the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care System
Executive Area Director (North and North Cumbria) presented.
12 - Questions from the public
Given that stroke is a leading cause of death and disability, with stroke survivors leaving hospital with an average of 7 disabilities, many needing complex and life-long care and contributing to delays in discharge and pressures across the health and social care system, how does North East and North Cumbria ICB plan to appropriately fund and resource the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Stroke Delivery Network as the essential delivery mechanism for meeting guideline level standards of care and achieving the Long Term Plan’s stroke commitments? What protection and security can you provide to the committed and valuable stroke network staff who are working tirelessly to improve the quality and safety of local services for this clinical priority?
The North East and North Cumbria ICB recognise the importance of high quality stroke services for our local population and in order to facilitate that we understand the need for ongoing development and transformation. As an ICB we have strong links with our local networks and regardless of the changing landscape we continue to collaborate to ensure patients and their families have access to high quality stroke provision across the North East and North Cumbria.
As an ICB we are continuing to develop our clinical strategy to define our priorities based on health inequalities, health outcomes and quality of life for our local communities. We are aware of the significant progress which has been made in stroke services over recent years and we know that there is more to do to ensure equity in terms of CVD prevention, the importance of timely emergency response, treatment, ongoing specialist rehabilitation and secondary prevention. The Stroke Network have been and will continue to be an integral part of our partnership, harnessing clinical leadership to transform and develop services that meet national and local standards. Our commitment is to continue working with the network to understand any changes to resource, working together to address any issues as the local system landscape emerges.
We would like to thank you and your colleagues for ongoing, tireless work to ensure better access and outcomes for those who have experienced stroke services.