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For over 18 years

NHS continuing healthcare – for ages 18+

NHS continuing healthcare is the name given to a package of care arranged and funded solely by the NHS for a person aged 18 or over. It’s designed to support people who have ongoing healthcare needs, outside of hospital care. This might be the result of disability, accident or illness.

NHS continuing healthcare is free (unlike support from local authorities, which may involve you making a financial contribution, depending on your income and savings).

You can receive NHS continuing healthcare in any setting – including your own home or a care home.

North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB) is responsible for deciding the appropriate package of support if you are eligible for NHS continuing healthcare.

Decisions about who is eligible for continuing healthcare are guided by the National Framework for NHS Continuing Healthcare and NHS Funded Nursing Care. This is designed to ensure that everyone assessing or delivering continuing healthcare does so in the same way.

The Department for Health and Social Care’s leaflet, ‘NHS continuing healthcare and NHS-funded nursing care’ outlines how continuing healthcare works.

You may find the Government's Easy Read guide to continuing healthcare is helpful.