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Board meeting held in public Friday 1 July 2022


Sunderland City Hall

Day and time

Friday 1 July 2022, 12:30pm - 4:00pm

Further Information

Purpose of report

To provide the Board with a final version of the NHS North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board's Constitution.

View here.

View the constitution of the NHS North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board here.

Purpose of report

To provide the Board with an introduction to the governance handbook and its key documents, including the functions and decisions map.

View here.

Purpose of report

To seek approval of the Board for the ICB's standing financial instructions and proposed delegated financial limits.

View here.

Purpose of report

To provide the Board with the Scheme of Reservation and Delegation for NHS North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (the ICB).

View here.

Purpose of report

To seek approval from the Board for the terms of reference for each agreed Board committee.

View here.

Purpose of report

To seek approval from the Board for the terms of reference for each agreed Board committee.

View here.

Purpose of report

As part of ICB establishment, the Board is asked to approve and ratify those corporate policies that are considered high-risk and substantive and agree a proposal to ensure the early approval of all other policies and strategies.

View here.

Purpose of report

The NENC ICB Involvement and Engagement Framework (Strategy) outlines our ambition to develop a strategic approach and consistent standard across the region for our Integrated Care Board (ICB), reflecting the following principles.

Involving and engaging partners, stakeholders and the public in planning, design and delivery of our services is essential if we are to get this right.

Wherever, and whenever possible we will include meaningful involvement as part of our work. We want people to help us design, develop and improve services by sharing their views and experiences. The people we listen to and involve need to reflect the communities we serve.

View here.

Purpose of report

To seek confirmation from the Board on the required special lead roles as set out in the attached paper.

View here.

Purpose of report

To provide the Board with an update on the development of the Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) and seek approval of the appointment of the founder member.

View here.

Purpose of report

The NENC Integrated Delivery Report provides an ICS overview of quality, performance and outcomes (finance to be included in future reports). The report provides a high-level and parallel view of performance and quality to ensure oversight and delivery of the 22/23 planning priorities.

View here.

View the North East and North Cumbria ICS integrated delivery report here.

Purpose of report

A presentation will be shared at the Board meeting to provide a high level overview of the ICS’s operational plan for 2022/23 and compared with national ambition where relevant.

View here.

Purpose of report

To provide the Board with the high-level commissioning budgets for North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (NENC ICB) for the financial year 2022-23 and reporting period July 2022 – March 2023.

View here.

Purpose of report

To present an overview of the current health inequalities faced by communities across the North East, and to propose that the Integrated Care Board (ICB) undertakes a review our current coordination arrangements for reducing health inequalities across our system.

To make recommendations to the ICB and ICP for the formation of a multi-agency expert advisory group to drive this work going forward. Such a group would draw on the skills of key partners across our ICS to provide strategic leadership, support, challenge across the system to shape an inequalities strategy for the ICS and ensure the delivery of key local and national priorities.

View here.

Purpose of report

To provide assurance to the Board with regards to the North East and North Cumbria CCGs closedown and due diligence process and activities that have taken place over the last six months.

View here.

Purpose of report

To provide members with the Board meetings date for the remainder of the financial year for 2022/23.

View here.