The Auditorium, Durham Centre, DH1 1TN
Tuesday 1 October 2024, 9.30am.
The Auditorium, Durham Centre, DH1 1TN
Tuesday 1 October 2024, 9.30am.
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Agenda Items
5.1 - Minutes of the Board Meeting 30 July 2024
To confirm the minutes of previous meeting are accurate.
5.2 - Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 30 July 2024
To confirm the minutes of previous meeting are accurate.
6 - Action log and matters arising
Updates on open actions to be given as appropriate.
The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of recent activity carried out by the ICB team, as well as some key national policy updates.
Item 8 CEO Board Report October 2024
Appendix 2 NENC ICB Annual Assessment Letter
Appendix 3 Statutory Duties Health And Care Act 2022 NENC ICB
9 - Lord Darzi Independent Investigation of the National Health Service (NHS) in England
The paper provides the Board with a copy of the Lord Darzi Report into the NHS and updates them on the ICBs position regarding the actions detailed within the report.
To present the Board with an updated Constitution for the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (the ICB).
11 - Highlight Reports and Confirmed Minutes of the Committees of the Board
The Board to receive highlight reports and confirmed minutes of the Committees of the Board.
To provide the Board with an overview of the discussions from the Executive Committee meetings in July and August 2024.
Public Executive Highlight Report
11.2 - Quality and Safety Committee
To provide the Board with an overview of the discussions at the meeting of the Quality and Safety Committee held in May and July 2024, including the approved minutes for assurance.
11.3 - Finance, Performance and Investment Committee
The Board is asked to receive the confirmed minutes of 4 July 2024 for assurance purposes.
12 - Integrated Delivery Report
The NENC Integrated Delivery Report (IDR) provides an overview of quality and performance, highlighting any significant changes, areas of risk and mitigating actions.
To provide the Board with an update on the financial performance of the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (NENC ICB) and NENC Integrated Care System (ICS) in the financial year 2024/25.
ICB Finance Report Front Cover
14 - Primary Care Access Recovery Plan
To provide an update to the Board on the Primary Care Access Recovery Plan.
To approve the Quality Strategy for the system, following extensive engagement and input from stakeholders and people with lived experience across the North East and Cumbria.
16 - Our ambition to improve population health
The pack includes the bi-annual report on health and healthcare inequalities, the finalised Clinical Conditions Strategic Plan (CCSP) and a summary of our ambition and work to date to improve population health for North East and North Cumbria.
Our Ambition To Improve Population Health
17 - Mental Health, Learning Disability and Neurodiversity
This report provides an overview of the mental health, learning disability and neurodiversity performance challenges.
The report outlines the system approach to improvement and transformation.
Mental Health Improvement Plan Cover Sheet
Mental Health Learning Disability and Neurodiversity Improvement Plan
17.1 - Review of Intensive and Assertive Community Mental Health Care
The purpose of this report is to provide the board with assurance on the systems approach that have been taken in the North East and North Cumbria to the required reviews.
To provide the Board with the LeDeR Annual Report 1st Jan – 31st Dec 2023, the Learning into Action Report, and the easy read version.
Leder Annual Report Front Cover
18 - North East Child Poverty Commission - "No Time to Wait"
In attendance at the Board to present an update on Child Poverty were:
19 - Questions from the public
Questions received from the public on items on non-agenda items
I am writing to enquire about your board’s decision on the above-mentioned subject. I am a resident in Northumberland. I also suffered from obesity and am, according to NICE guidelines qualified for the said medicines. Regrettably, the Board has deferred making the decision from last April, though proclaimed a decision would be reached this summer. As summer has come and soon be gone, I am writing to gain a definitive answer from you.
The ICB has been working on a long-term system wide plan for transforming healthy weight and treating obesity, including the provision of Tier 3 Weight Management Services. A business case for approval of both expansion of capacity of these services, as well as the introduction of prescribing of suitably approved medicines, is currently at an advanced stage of consideration by the organisation, and we expect this to come to a conclusion soon.
However, these services currently have long waiting lists due to rapidly increasing patient need and demand, and patients will need to be triaged on a clinical priority basis.
We are unable to comment on individual cases and would recommend patients discuss any concerns with their GP.