The Durham Centre, DH1 1TN
Purpose of report
To provide an overview of the previous meeting which was held on 28 March 2023.
A copy of the minutes can be read here
The Durham Centre, DH1 1TN
Tuesday 30 May 2023, 10:30am - 2:00pm
Please contact
4 - Minutes of the previous meeting held on 28 March 2023
Purpose of report
To provide an overview of the previous meeting which was held on 28 March 2023.
A copy of the minutes can be read here
Presentation can be viewed here.
9.1 - Integrated Delivery Report
The NENC Integrated Delivery Report provides an oversight of quality and performance, highlighting any significant changes, areas of risk and mitigating actions.
The report also provides an overview of the ICS position on the NHS Oversight Framework and CQC ratings of organisations.
The report can be viewed here:
To provide the Board with an update on the financial performance of the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (NENC ICB) and the Integrated Care System (NENC ICS) in the financial year 2022/23 for the period to 31 March 2023 ("month 12").
The finance report can be viewed here -
9.2.1 - ICB and ICS Financial Plan 2023/24
This paper presents the final financial plan for both the ICB and the wider ICS for 2023/24, including a summary of changes made since the draft plan that was presented to the Board previously.
The financial plan can be viewed here.
10.1 - Board Assurance Framework
The Board Assurance Framework (BAF) is used to provide assurance on the management of key risks to the delivery of the ICB's strategic aims and objectives. The BAF is intended to provide a visible strategic risk summary, supported by the full detail of the corporate risk register.
The Board Assurance Framework can be viewed here;
10.2 - Governance Handbook (issue 6)
To request approval from the Board on the proposed amendments to documents held and published in the ICB's Governance Handbook, including the Scheme of Reservation and Delegation, and committee, subcommittee and joint committee terms of reference.
The summary report and updated documents can be viewed below;
Governance Handbook Issue 6 Front Sheet
Appendix 1: Scheme of Reservation Delegation
Appendix 2: Quality and Safety Terms of Reference
Appendix 3: Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism Sub-Committee Terms of Reference
10.3 - Constitution of the NHS North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board - amendments
To present the Board with an updated Constitution for the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (the ICB).
The summary of changes can be viewed here:
North East And North Cumbria ICB Constitution Final Draft 220523
10.4 - Highlight reports and confirmed minutes of the Committees of the Board
Highlight reports and confirmed minutes of the Committees of the Board.
To provide the Board with an overview of the discussions and decisions at the Executive Committee meetings in March and April 2023.
The highlight report, confirmed minutes and annual review can be found below;
Executive Committee Highlight Report
Appendix 1: Executive Committee Minutes 14 March 2023
Appendix 2: Executive Committee Minutes 11 April 2023
Appendix 3: Executive Committee Annual Review April 2023 Final
10.4.2 - Quality and Safety Committee
To provide the Board with an overview of the discussions at the meeting of the Quality and Safety Committee held in May 2023 and approved minutes from the Committee meetings held on 15 December 2022 and 16 February 2023.
The Highlight Report, confirmed minutes and annual review can be accessed below;
Quality And Safety Committee Highlight Report May 23
Appendix 1: Quality And Safety Committee Minutes 15 December 2022
Appendix 2 Quality And Safety Committee Minutes 16 February 2023
10.4.3 - Finance, Performance and Investment Committee
To provide the Board with an overview of items considered and discussed at Finance, Performance and Investment (FPI) Committee meetings held on 6 April and 4 May 2023 and the approved minutes from Committee meeting held on 2 March 2023.
The Highlight Report and confirmed minutes can be viewed here;
Highlight Report FPI Committee May 2023
Appendix 1: Finance Performance And Investment Committee Minutes 2 March 2023
Appendix 2: Finance Performance and Investment Committee Minutes 6 April 2023