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Across Sunderland, we have a ‘needs led’ neurodevelopmental pathway as we want to make sure you and your child are supported as much as possible, if you or a professional thinks that your child has a neurodevelopmental need. These are needs which are associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

We have created a ‘bubble of support’ across your local area with many services which can offer advice, guidance or support. There are also very active Parent Carer Forums which can offer peer support. Details of all the support available is listed below. There is also a comprehensive ‘virtual’ offer which can offer alternative websites and support tips for you to try at home.

Breathing Space is an innovative whole family project that provides valuable space, time and support for young people with additional needs and their parents and carers.

The project has a preventative focus on reducing the risk of education placement breakdowns and escalation, offering positive opportunities for children and joined-up support for families.

The service includes:

  • Fun after school, weekend and holiday activities.
  • Activity days for the whole family, from trampoline sessions, visits to Derwent Hill and family passes for Beamish Museum.
  • We work with young people to develop Positive Behaviour Support Plans

The service is available for children and young people who:

  • Are in Year 3 to Year 11,
  • Have a special educational need of Autism or Social Emotional Mental Health (SEMH) and have either an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), SEND Support or are awaiting a diagnosis e.g. referral to the neuro-developmental pathway, and
  • Are at risk of, or have been suspended/excluded from school

Parent carers can contact the service using the following link Breathing Space - Together for Children and a member of staff will be in touch.

Sunderland Carers’ Centre

Sunderland Carers’ Centre provides support for people who look after others, offering confidential, impartial information, advice and guidance to carers in Sunderland. Sunderland Carers’ Centre also has a Young Carers service.

The Carers’ Centre is a ‘centrepoint’ for carers in the city, assisting directly when and where we can and linking people with other organisations when more appropriate, to ensure that every user gets the support they require.

Thompson Park
Thompson Road

Tel: 0191 549 3768


Opening Hours:

Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm.

(Out of office hours by appointment)

Sunderland Parent Carer Forum

Sunderland Parent Carers Forum is a parent-led voluntary group of parents, carers and grandparents of children and young people aged 0-25 with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities).

  • Our aim is to give parent carers a voice in how services for CYP with SEND are shaped and delivered in the City of Sunderland, as well as an opportunity to come together and talk in a relaxed atmosphere.
  • We do this by organising events, coffee mornings, information sessions and training events. Our parent reps attend meetings with various organisations in health, education and social care, as well as local charity groups.

Sunderland Parent Carer Forum are part of the NE & Cumbria Regional Parent Carer Forum (13 forums), and we are all part of the National Network of Parent Carer Forum, which consists of over 150 forums all over England.  We meet regularly with other forums in the region, for support, advice, training opportunities and news about what is happening in the area.  Each region has a national rep, who attends meetings in London, feeding back what is happening in their region, and bringing back the latest news and developments to the region. Every year there are regional and national conferences that forum members are invited to attend, giving us all another chance to catch up with parent carers from around the region and country.

St Marys & St Peters Community Project
Springwell Road
Tyne & Wear


Phone: 07393 129 858

More Than Grandparents

More than Grandparents supports kinship families. This is usually but not limited to grandparents who are raising their grandchildren because they cannot live with their birth parents.

We offer 1-1 support, advice and guidance on a range of issues such as care proceedings, financial entitlements, housing, contact arrangements, children’s behaviour, etc. We work in partnership with numerous community organisations, and we can signpost or refer on to them as appropriate.  We also offer opportunities for peer support bringing carers together for mutual support. We offer training on a range of issues such as trauma, children’s behaviour, first aid, volunteering, etc. In addition, we arrange social events and recreational activities including short term respite through relaxation sessions and pamper sessions. We also offer opportunities for group residential breaks for kinship families, bringing them together to encourage comradery, thus building a support network and giving them respite from their daily complex lives. We also support carers with complaints to the local authority when they feel things have not been done correctly or they have been denied financial support that they were entitled to.

In addition to supporting Kinship carers, we also support the children by providing activities aimed at fostering and improving attachments between the carers and the child which helps to diminish some of the challenging behaviours we see in kinship children. We provide outings, recreational activities and social events which allows the children to come together with other kinship children.

Above all else we go above and beyond for our families to help keep children with their birth family, keep them out of the care system and to give them hope for the future.


Landline: 0191 5140554

Mobile: 07501191338


Choice Wellbeing Service

Choice Wellbeing Service was established in February 2023 by parent carers, for parent carers. We were aware of the need for mental health care and support in the Sunderland area specifically post diagnosis. With this in mind, we wanted to ensure that all parent-carers had access to an individually unique support service.

Rainbow Family Hub
Elliott Terrace
NE37 3AE

Phone: 07703754945


The Family Support Service provided by Daisy Chain is for neurodiverse children and young people aged 0-18 years and their families. The service provides support to children and young people who display traits associated with neurodiversity, autism, sensory processing, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), and their families.

Parents/carers of those aged 0-18 years can access the service provided within Sunderland if they:

  • Have concerns their child may have autism/sensory processing/ADHD/FASD
  • Are undergoing diagnosis for autism/ADHD/FASD
  • Have a diagnosis of autism/ADHD/FASD

This service is for families pre, during and post diagnosis.

Family Support Service - Sunderland - Daisy Chain (

Early Help

Together for Children’s Early Help service offers advice, support and direct interventions at the earliest point of identified need.  The aim of Early Help is to support families to support themselves, to prevent problems escalating and to reduce the numbers needing statutory interventions.

For more information contact the Early Help Advice and Allocations Team on 0191 561 4084 or by emailing

Family Hubs

Family Hubs aim to ensure that local families can access the right support, at the right time, in the right place, with the right people.  There are 5 family hubs across Sunderland. 

Rainbow Family Hub Washington, NE37 3AE,

0191 561 3995

Thorney Close Family Hub, SR3 4JQ,

 0191 561 4127

Bunnyhill Family Hub, SR5 4BW,

0191 561 8126

Coalfield Family Hub Hetton, DH5 9NE,

0191 561 6625

Winnibell Family Hub Hendon, SR1 2HS,

0191 561 2850

The Family Hub network offers support to families of children aged up to 19, or to children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) aged up to 25.

The support and services offered by the Family Hubs range from classes and support groups to advice on topics like relationships and health. Parenting support, social prescribing, welfare rights advice, benefits support, adult mentoring. Infant Feeding, Early Childhood Development, support with peri natal mental health and parent infant relationships. Stay and Play, sensory, SEND Groups, Outdoor stay and play, stop smoking support, targeted support for vulnerable families and families from global majority groups.

My Best Life is the digital platform for the Family hubs and has been created to provide a digital front door for our five Family Hubs. The site’s main features include advertising and booking of Family Hub events and a library of resources and immediate support and book sessions online. The site is available in 140 different languages.

At Family Hubs we know parenting isn't always easy and family life has lots of challenges along the way. If you're finding things at home tough, we are here to help through our Achieving Better Connections (ABC) sessions for parents / carers.

These are weekly sessions for 2 hours for 6 weeks and will cover the following topics, Good Enough Parenting, Healthy Child Development, Emotional Resilience, Family Values and Healthy Boundaries and Safer Communities. Following completion of the ABC sessions we have additional sessions, called Bolt Ons, that can be accessed following a discussion with the facilitator.

One plus one: is an online self-guided relationship support course, available for free.

Parenting when separated course and mediation sessions are also available.

For more information or to book onto sessions/courses contact Parenting and Relationships Team 0191 5617005 Or email:

Sunderland Local Offer

Information, advice and support about education, health and social care for children and young people with SEND and their families, all in one place.

Local Offer | Sunderland Information Point

SEND Specialist Support Services

Autism Outreach Team (AOT)

The Autism Outreach Team (AOT) is a well-established team of Teachers, Higher Level Teaching Assistants, Teaching Assistants, an Occupational Therapist and Specialist Mental Health Nurse, who are part of the wider SEND Specialist Support Services Team at Together for Children based at Bunny Hill.

AOT offers support to education settings on referral, where children and young people have a confirmed diagnosis of Autism.

The team offer a variety of services, including observation of children/young people and targeted support including 1:1 sessions and group work. Settings are supported to implement personalised strategies and where appropriate AOT will support with the EHCP process.

In addition, AOT offer training sessions to colleagues in school to support them in meeting the needs of Autistic children and young people in their settings.

Language and Learning Partnership (LLP)

The Language and Learning Partnership (LLP) is a team of Teachers, Higher Level Teaching Assistants and a Speech and Language Therapist, who all have extensive knowledge and experience of working in Mainstream and Specialist Provision. We are part of the Together for Children SEND Specialist Support Services wider team. Our role is to support schools with strategies to enable children with SEND to achieve within their setting. We assess children’s cognition and learning, and communication and interaction and set targets to support their progress. We also model best practice as well as signpost to other relevant services where appropriate.

Sunderland Special Education Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS)

SENDIASS provides free, impartial, and confidential information, advice and support to children and young people from 0 to 25 with SEND, and their parents and carers.

More information for families of children with Special Educational Needs can be found here Children with SEN - Together for Children

Health visitors and Family Health Nurses, sometimes known as School Nurses, support children and young people from birth up until they are 25 if they have SEND. You can ask your Health Visitor or School Nurse for help and advice on anything to do with your child’s health – whether you’re worrying about their health and development, beginning school or just need someone to talk to.

Growing Healthy 0-19 Sunderland | HDFT Childrens Health Service

Independent Travel training is available for young people who have SEND. It provides them with vital skills and confidence to travel safely between home and school/college, as well as in the wider community.

Independent Travel Training - Together for Children

The service works with young people aged 11 to 25 who require support around their gender identity and/or sexual orientation.

Support could include:

  • One-to-one sessions with one of our experienced team.
  • sexual health guidance.
  • support to access clinical gender identity services.
  • the opportunity to meet other LGBT+ young people in your area.
  • family support.
  • hate crime reporting.
  • fun activities and sessions such as sailing, meals, climbing, etc. in a safe space.

LGBT+ North East - Waythrough

NHS Mental Health Services for Children and Young People

Healthy Heads

Healthy Heads is a Mental Health Support Team based in participating Sunderland Schools, offering early intervention to children, young people and their families who are struggling with mild to moderate anxiety and/or low mood. The team comprises Education Mental Health Practitioners, Senior Education Mental Health Practitioners and Primary Mental Health Specialists who provide a range of emotional, behavioural and psychological support services to children, young people, parents and professionals within schools. Mental Health Support Teams are being rolled out in phases controlled by NHS England which means they are not yet available in every school.

Speak to your child’s school to find out if they are part of the programme in Sunderland.

Sunderland Community Children and Young People’s Mental Health Service

Sunderland Community Children and Young People’s Mental Health Service is a team of professionals who offer support, advice, assessment and treatment for common mental health difficulties. We work to promote good mental health and positive well-being.

Our service is offered to children and young people aged 0-18 who may be showing signs of emotional distress and/or behavioural difficulties.  We aim to deal with such difficulties at the earliest possible stage and offer early intervention in the hope that children and young people will develop skills and resilience to promote positive well-being.  

Contact your child’s school if you think they require support from Sunderland Community Children and Young People’s Mental Health Service.

Children and Young Person’s Service (CYPS)

The Children and Young Person’s Service provides mental health support for young people with a complex mental health presentation that is not better explained by a neurodevelopmental condition.

Contact your child’s school if you think they require mental health support from Children and Young Person’s Service.

Voluntary and Community Sector Mental Health Services

Sunderland Mind

Sunderland Mind is a registered local independent charity that provides confidential, high-quality services for individuals, carers and families experiencing emotional or mental health problems.

We aim to provide advice, information and counselling in a safe, caring and non-judgemental environment. This is all done with the people of Sunderland and our wider community in mind, allowing us to develop services and training opportunities that truly reflect their needs.

Sunderland Mind works with anyone over the age of 7 years.

Washington Mind

Washington Mind can deliver targeted groupwork and training face-to-face or online to young people aged 11-18. Washington Mind offer counselling for young people living in the City of Sunderland. Appointments can be accessed at Washington Mind or at their base at PopRecs in Sunderland. They also offer a range of psychosocial and creative groups that support mental wellness.

Grace House

Grace House offers a range of specialist services to support not just children and young people who have complex disabilities, but the whole family.

Online MH Support


Kooth is a FREE online advice, support and counselling service available to all young people in Sunderland aged 10-25 years. provides a free, safe, anonymous and non-stigmatised way for young people to receive advice and support online.  Kooth is staffed by fully trained and qualified team members, including BACP accredited counsellors and is available until 10pm each night, 365 days per year. As well as 1:1 support, peer to peer support can also be accessed through moderated message forums and online information. Kooth’s experienced practitioners are available to provide emotional support to young people with a wide range of issues.

Lumi Nova

Children and families across Sunderland are able to  access Lumi Nova: Tales of Courage - an exciting online therapeutic game for children aged 7 - 12 years experiencing difficulties with anxiety that is recommended by the National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE).  A child-led solution, Lumi Nova provides a fun, self-guided, interactive game experience, to effectively overcome childhood anxiety with the support of a parent or guardian. It empowers young minds with life-long skills to deal with worries and stresses through in-game and real-world challenges with the   assistance of a supportive adult.

North East Autism Society (NEAS)

NEAS offers virtual support for Sunderland families via its family resources website Family Resources | North East Autism Society ( and a private Facebook support group for parents and carers North East Autism Society - Family Networking | Facebook

The Challenging Behaviour Foundation

The Challenging Behaviour Foundation have made all their videos about managing behaviour that challenges available online. Please visit the following links to view these videos:

Video challenging behaviour
Challenging Behaviour Foundation

The Challenging Behaviour website also offers lots of helpful advice and guidance for parents, carers, and professionals.

Autism Understood

The Autism Understood website can give everyone a better understanding of what autism is.

National Autistic Society

The National Autistic Society has produced the ‘Know Yourself’ series of resources, to support autistic teenagers in understanding what being autistic means to them.

The resources have been co-produced with autistic young people and feature many talking about their own experiences and what has helped them. The aim is to offer information and ideas to empower teenagers to begin to explore their own experiences and understand themselves more.

There is also a guide highlighting additional resources that can be accessed by anyone supporting autistic young people.

Using a tiered approach, the North East Sleep Alliance service provides telephone support and resources, Parent Sleep Support Sessions and 1:1 sleep assessments which, if all tiers have been accessed, can include the creation of a bespoke sleep plan. The service can be accessed by families of children with additional health or development needs who are between 3 ½ to 18 years old.

Contact North East Sleep Alliance (Sunderland) -

The Sunderland Children and Young Person’s Neurodevelopmental Assessment team is part of the specialist child and young person’s mental health, learning disability and neurodevelopmental service within CNTW. The specialist service is for those with a moderate to severe clinical need.

The team will explore issues potentially relating to Autism and/or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) following other alternative explanations being explored. CYPS will then provide a multidisciplinary team assessment to children and young people aged between 5-18 years old to determine if they meet criteria for a neurodevelopmental diagnosis. We adhere to NICE guidelines to ensure best practice and take a holistic approach to meeting clinical needs of the child or young person.

Referrals are accepted from education settings. Please contact your child’s school or college if you think your child may need a neurodevelopmental assessment.

Children’s Occupational Therapy (OT)

We are a specialist service who support children and young people to complete the daily occupations that they want, and need, to be able to do.  Children and young people’s occupations can be playing, completing schoolwork, looking after themselves and participating in self-care tasks, attending clubs and hobbies, and other age-appropriate activities they may find harder than others to do.

Our service can carry out an assessment of your child's needs and offer advice, strategies and interventions to support them to develop their skills in everyday occupations.

We offer support in various environments dependent on the child's and family's needs (e.g. home, school, nursery, clinic and child development centres).

Our service is available to children and young people, aged 0-18, registered with a South Tyneside or Sunderland GP.

For children and young people living in South Tyneside we can help with minor adaptations and equipment - to assist function (e.g. bath board/steps, grab rails).

For all adaptation and equipment needs in Sunderland, or for major adaptations and specialist equipment in South Tyneside, referrals can be made to the relevant team below:

  • Sunderland City Council – Online referral form available (under Adult Social Care and Support)
  • South Tyneside Council – Social Care Occupational Therapy team, based at Clarendon – 0191 424 4797.

We accept referrals from health care professionals and SENCO’s.

Speech and Language Therapy

We are a specialist service for children and young people with communication difficulties. We also help children with eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties. 

Our service is available to under 18s living in South Tyneside or Sunderland. They could also be registered with a GP from South Tyneside or Sunderland.

We work alongside parents/carers and the people around your child. We provide advice and intervention to help develop your child's communication. We assess and respond to each child’s individual needs. 

For preschool children, your health visitor is an important first contact. They will discuss your concerns. They can provide practical advice and support. They can also help you decide whether a referral to speech and language therapy is right for your child.

For school-age children, it’s a good idea to discuss your concerns with your child’s teacher.

We accept referrals from parents, carers and health and education professionals.