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My home, my care, my way event

Better housing is crucial for the mental and physical health of our communities. We are working collaboratively to address priority areas to improve housing in the region and help make a difference to people's lives.

Our first event took place in May, providing an opportunity to hear from national and regional speakers, to take part in interactive sessions and to network with like-minded people committed to improving housing in our region.

Watch our video to learn more.

Join our community of practice

If you work in housing strategy or planning, service development and delivery, or health and social care commissioning you are welcome to join our community of practice!

It provides a space for people to share what's happening in their area, get advice and support from peers and make connections to find new ways of working together. The first meeting took place on 26 March 2024.

To sign up please email - sean.cocking@nhs.net using the subject "Community Housing Programme".

9:30 - Registration and networking

10:00 - Opening welcome
Sir David Pearson, Chair, TEC Quality

10:10 - My home, my care, my way
Lauren Matthewson, Director, Access Your Life

10:30 - Regional welcome
Denise McGuckin, Managing Director Hartlepool Borough Council and Regional Chief Executive Lead for Adult Social Care 
Jacqueline Myers, Chief Strategy Officer, North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board

10:45 - Housing, health and care programme - one year on
Fiona Brown, Programme Director, Housing, health and care programme

11:05 - Baseline assessments: contemporary practice in housing and care
Ian Copeman, Business Director, Housing LIN

11:15 - Refreshment break and networking

11:45 - The context for housing, health and integration
Tracy Harrison, CEO, Northern Housing Consortium

12:00 - Empowering people's lives
Alyson Scurfield, Chief Executive, TEC Services Association

12:15 - Housing from a GP perspective
Dr Alexandra Kent, Medical Director, North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board

12:30 - Share, support, and innovate: our community of practice
Sean Cocking, Commissioning Lead, North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board

12:45 - Panel questions and answers

13:00 - Lunch and networking

14:00 - Norma and Joe's story - How we can make a difference

14:05 - Sunderland City Council, Supported Housing Developments
Ann Dingwall, Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Sunderland Care and Support Ltd and Head of Commissioning and Market Oversight - Sunderland City Council

14:25 - South Tyneside Healthy Homes - a social prescribing approach
Hannah Jeffrey, Head of Commissioning, North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board and Mary Fairfield, Public Health Practitioner, South Tyneside Council
Mary Fairfield, who is Public Health Practitioner at South Tyneside Council

14:45 - Panel questions and answers

15:00 - Interactive discussions the three priority workstreams

  • Complex needs
    Older adults
    Warm and dry

15:40 - Housing, health and care programme - next steps
Fiona Brown, Programme Director, Housing, health and care programme

15:50 - Reflections & close
Sir David Pearson, Chair, TEC Quality

Sir David Pearson, Chair, TEC Quality

David has had an extensive career in social care and health, nationally and locally. He was a former Director of Adult Social Care and Deputy Chief Executive for Nottinghamshire County Council. He is a Past President of the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services. David also led the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Health Care System and is still an advisor to the NHS on the transformation into integrated services.

He was an advisor to the Government on adult social care reform and Chaired the Governments COVID19 Social Care Taskforce in 2020 -21. He has led a number of national initiatives including a Commission on the Future of Housing Health and Care and has been the Co Chair of the development of an Adult Social Care Workforce Strategy in England. He is an Expert Panellist to the Parliamentary Health and Social Care Select Committee.

Lauren Matthewson, Director, Access Your Life

Enjoys sharing the good, the bad, and the ugly aspects of living with a variety of illnesses.

Denise McGuckin, Managing Director Hartlepool Borough Council and Regional Chief Executive Lead for Adult Social Care 

Denise has over 27 years’ experience in Local Government, all with Hartlepool Borough Council. She has had various roles include Environmental Services Manager, Neighbourhood Manager, Community Safety Partnership lead, Assistant Director for Environment and Neighbourhoods, Director for Regeneration and Neighbourhoods. Prior to this she worked in the private sector in hospitality.  

Denise attended Durham University and obtained a BSc Honours Degree in Environmental Technology and in 2008 she obtained a MBA in Public Management at Teesside University.

Denise currently is the Managing Director at Hartlepool Borough Council, since August 2020.  Some additional activities and responsibilities over the years include:

  • Lead Place Director when the LEP transitioned to a Combined Authority for the Tees Valley setting up new governance arrangements and negotiating with Government on the associated Devolution deal.
  • Cleveland Local Resilience Forum Chair 2018 – 2021 leading on their Cleveland response for COVID19 pandemic.
  • Lead Chief Executive for Adult Social Care representing 12 North East Local Authorities, and
  • Lead Chief Executive for Emergency Planning and Community Safety for the five Tees Valley Councils.
  • Solace Policy lead for Civil & Community Resilience 2023.

Jacqueline Myers, Chief Strategy Officer, North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board

Jacqueline has worked in the NHS since 1993, mainly in large hospital trusts in a range of operational and strategic roles, in London, Leeds and most recently as the Director of Strategy and Planning in Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. 

Prior to joining the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board, she set up a provider collaborative within NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB.  Her move into a system leadership post has been driven by a desire to be part of helping people live longer, healthier and fairer lives.

She is a Trustee for her local hospice, having developed an interest in this area whilst working with partners across the City of Leeds to develop and deliver an End of Life Care Plan and Partnership. 

Fiona Brown, Programme Director, Housing, health and care programme

Tracy Harrison, CEO, Northern Housing Consortium

Tracy Harrison is Chief Executive of the Northern Housing Consortium (NHC), a membership organisation for social housing providers. Prior to joining the NHC in 2006, Tracy held a variety of senior posts in blue-chip private sector organisations, including Fast Moving Consumer Goods giant, Robert McBride, and Sage Software. With the housing sectors’ ever-increasing focus on driving efficiencies, Tracy has been instrumental in ensuring that NHC offers its members products & services which support them with achieving this aim & developing solutions which can help improve the service they offer to their customers. Tracy has also helped to develop NHC’s influencing activities, particularly around placemaking and addressing quality and net zero issues within the North’s housing stock.

Tracy is also a Trustee of Age UK North Tyneside.

Alyson Scurfield, Chief Executive, TEC Services Association

Alyson Scurfield, as Chief Executive of the TEC Services Association (TSA) and its subsidiary, TEC Quality, brings a thoughtful and collaborative approach to service transformation, delivery, and business progression within the digital health and care sector.

With a career punctuated by influential leadership roles, Alyson has set laudable service quality benchmarks, not just on British shores, but extending her influence across Europe with TEC Quality and UKAS. Her advocacy doesn’t stop there. As the esteemed Chair at AgeUK North Tyneside, she's at the forefront of dialogues on inclusive and dignified ageing.

Championing co-production, Alyson’s approach is distinctively collaborative, ensuring all stakeholders have a voice. This philosophy places people, their families, and carers at the core, enabling personalised outcomes that resonate deeply with individual needs and aspirations.

Guiding the ambitious 2025 vision for TSA, Alyson is unwavering in her pursuit to explore fresh avenues for the TEC sector, with a keen eye on holistic wellbeing. Her passion for technology as a catalyst for transformative care is palpable, as she steers the industry towards quality, safety, continuous enhancement, and co-creation.

Her aspirations for TSA are both clear and grand: a seamless integration of health, housing, and social care, underpinned by universal accessibility, irrespective of one's health, financial standing, or location.

In her strategic roles, Alyson chairs the TEC Action Alliance, working closely with DHSC, the LGA, and other key bodies. Central to her approach is the commitment to placing people's voices at the heart of service transformation, ensuring that the lived experiences guide and enrich the evolution of integrated health and care systems. This dedication not only supports the foundational tenets of Integrated Care Boards (ICB) but also aligns with the integrated systems in home nations, ultimately aiming to enhance the quality of life for all.

Dr Alexandra Kent, Medical Director, North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board

Dr Alex Kent graduated from Southampton University before returning to the North East to complete post graduate training. Alex works as a GP in North Shields where she is also a GP trainer alongside her role as medical director for North East and North Cumbria ICB. Her portfolio of work includes long term conditions, children and primary care.

Sean Cocking, Commissioning Lead, North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board

Sean is commissioning lead in the ICB's mental health, learning disability, neurodevelopmental, and wider determinants transformation team. They are leading on the complex care workstream of the housing, health, and care programme, as well as supporting the development of a community of practice. They have a background in local government, working in commissioning, service development, and service improvement for adult social care.

Hannah Jeffrey, Head of Commissioning, North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board

Hannah has worked as a senior manager and leader within healthcare commissioning for over 15 years, working in a variety of commissioning roles across the North East and North Cumbria.

Hannah has provided leadership and support across a range of programme areas including prevention, public health, population health management, long term conditions, urgent care and planned care.

Hannah became a Core20PLUS5 Ambassador in 2022 and has a real passion for prevention and tackling health inequalities within the communities we serve.

Mary Fairfield, Public Health Practitioner, South Tyneside Council

Coming soon.

View the event presentation from Lauren Matthewson, Director, Access Your Life.

View the event presentation from Fiona Brown, Programme Director, Housing, health and care programme.

View the event presentation from Tracy Harrison, CEO, Northern Housing Consortium.

View the event presentation from Alyson Scurfield, Chief Executive, TEC Services Association.

View the event presentation from Dr Alexandra Kent, Medical Director, North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board.

View the event presentation from Sean Cocking, Commissioning Lead, North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board.

View the event presentation from Hannah Jeffrey, Head of Commissioning, North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board and Mary Fairfield, Public Health Practitioner, South Tyneside Council.

View the event presentation from Ann Dingwall, Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Sunderland Care and Support Ltd and Head of Commissioning and Market Oversight - Sunderland City Council.

View the event presentation from Ian Copeman, Business Director, Housing LIN.

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