NENC ICB annual report & accounts 1 April 2023 – 31st March 2024 can be found below:
ICB Annual Report and Accounts 2023 24 Annual Report Summary 2023 24 ICB Annual Report and Accounts 2022 23 Highlights Of Our Year 2023 24
NENC ICB annual report & accounts 1 April 2023 – 31st March 2024 can be found below:
ICB Annual Report and Accounts 2023 24 Annual Report Summary 2023 24 ICB Annual Report and Accounts 2022 23 Highlights Of Our Year 2023 24
Following the publication of our Integrated Care Strategy in December 2022, we have been working closely with our partner organisations to produce our Joint Forward Plan.
The integrated care strategy requires a sustained collaboration across a broad range of partners and stakeholders, beyond the improvements to outcomes that health and care services can deliver in isolation.
Our Joint Forward Plan is complementary to the ICP Strategy. It is a delivery plan for the parts of our strategy related particularly to NHS delivered or commissioned services, but within the broader partnership context.
Joint Forward Plan 2023 - 2028 Easy Read Joint Forward Plan 2023- 2028 Joint Forward Plan infographic
The NHS, councils and the community, voluntary and social enterprise sector (VCSE) have come together to develop a plan to improve health and care in the North East and North Cumbria.
Our Integrated Care Strategy starts to set out our key goals and plans on how we will improve the health and wellbeing of people living and working in our region by 2030 and for the years beyond too.
Integrated Care Strategy 2022 Integrated Care Strategy Easy Read
The NHS North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB) is the statutory decision-making body of the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care System (ICS). The ICB is responsible for the commissioning of health services and the effective stewardship of NHS spending for all of the people who live in the North East and North Cumbria. We are the largest ICS in the country, with a population of 3 million people spread across large conurbations over 14 locality areas and some of the most rural and isolated parts of England.
This Constitution and supporting documents (included within the Governance Handbook) describes the framework for the Integrated Care Board to delegate decision-making authority, functions and resources to the 14 locality areas across North East and North Cumbria to ensure that we meet the diverse needs of our citizens and communities. These place-based partnerships, overseen by Health and Wellbeing Boards, and including councils, health and care providers, the voluntary community and social enterprise sector and Healthwatch, are key to achieving the ambitious improvements we want to see.
This Constitution sets out how we will organise ourselves to meet our ambitions to provide the best health and care, ensuring that our decisions are always taken in the interest of the patients and populations that we are proud to serve.
Thank you to people who contacted our Integrated Care Board (ICB) about the role of private organisations on the North East and North Cumbria ICB. Please click here for our response.
NENC ICB Constitution Final Publication NHS Constitution here
See NENC population demographic data below.
Data gathered from NHS Electronic Staff Record (ESR) - NENC ICB, circa 660 staff July 2024. We gather and publish this data anonymously in line with the Public Sector Equality Duty.
Unless stated, figures rounded up to nearest whole number. Totals don’t always add up to 100% due to lack of declaration, or ‘prefer not to say’ stated by respondent. Language / Terminology used as referred to on ESR.
Staff demographic data July 2024 Staff demographic data March 2024 Staff demographic data February 2024 Staff demographics data August 2023
All interests will remain on the public register for six months after the interest has expired, however, records will be retained by the ICB for a minimum of 6 years after the date on which it expired. These may be obtained by contacting:
The ICB's Standards of Business Conduct and Conflicts of Interest Policy applies to all its staff.
Any breaches of the Policy relating will be published here in line with statutory guidance. To-date, there have been no such breaches. Individuals, who have concerns regarding conflict of interest or ethical misconduct either in respect of themselves or colleagues, should raise it in the first instance with their manager. Alternatively, they can raise it as an issue using the Raising Concerns at Work Policy or contacting the Conflict of Interest Guardian.
Conflict of Interest Guardian
The role of the Conflicts of Interest Guardian is to act as a conduit for anyone with concerns relating to conflicts of interest; to be a safe point of contact for concerns to be raised; to support the application of the principles and policies for managing conflicts, and to provide impartial and unconflicted advice and judgement in cases where it is not obvious whether a material conflict exists or how best to manage.
Should you wish to raise a concern please contact
For all previous registers from our predecessor CCGs (NHS Tees Valley CCG, NHS County Durham CCG, NHS Newcastle Gateshead CCG, NHS North Cumbria CCG, NHS North Tyneside CCG, NHS Northumberland CCG, NHS South Tyneside CCG, NHS Sunderland CCG) please visit our Legacy page.
All decisions by the Integrated Care Board (ICB) on the provision or acceptance of gifts and hospitality must be able to withstand both internal and external scrutiny. Casual gifts or offers of hospitality by contractors or others must not be in any way connected with the performance of duties so as to constitute an offence under the Bribery Act 2010 or not comply with the requirements of the NHS England Statutory Guidance on Declarations of Interest.
The ICB has robust processes in place to ensure that individuals do not accept gifts or hospitality or other benefits, which might reasonably be seen to compromise their professional judgement or integrity. The Standards of Business Conduct and Conflicts of Interest Policy provides further detail.
The Gifts, Hospitality and Sponsorship Register will be released on a quarterly basis.
You can read our latest EDI strategies and documents by clicking on the buttons below.
ICB EDI strategy Pay Gap Report ICB Workforce Disability Equality Standard Report Workforce Race Equality Standard Report Gender Pay Gap Summary
NENC ICB maintains a register of procurement decisions and contracts awarded, which also includes a record of any related conflicts of interest as appropriate.
The register of procurement decisions will be published on a monthly basis. You can view it here.
As a health and care system we are committed to developing a consistent approach with our partners in the public and voluntary sectors to sustainability, recycling, improving air quality and carbon reduction, as well as increasing access to green spaces. We have joined a cross-sector coalition working to enable our region to become England’s greenest region by 2030.
A Domestic Homicide Review (DHR) is a multi-agency review of the circumstances in which the death of a person aged 16 or over has, or appears to have, resulted from violence, abuse or neglect by a person to whom they were related or with whom they were, or had been, in an intimate personal relationship, or a member of the same household as themselves.
The purpose of a domestic homicide review is to:
You can view recent reports below
NHSE commissioned an independent investigation following the case of a mental healthcare related homicide to identify areas for improvement, working with Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust and the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board to ensure recommendations are addressed and shared with the wider mental health system.
Independent investigation reports for incidents recorded in the North East and North Cumbria are published here.
Summary of decisions made regarding new product requests and formulary amendments approved at a meeting of the ICB Executive Committee.
This framework has been drafted by involvement leads across the region and reflects the ambition we have for involvement and engagement across our ICS.
The joint capital plans can be found below:
Joint ICB capital plan 22/23 Joint capital resource use plan 23/24
The Government is committed to improving Mental Health services in England and has released significant funding as part of its 5-year Mental Health Implementation plan. To achieve the improvement in its Mental Health services each Integrated Care Board (ICB) and formerly Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), must meet the Mental Health Investment Standard (MHIS), by which their annual investment in mental health services rises at a faster rate than their overall published programme funding. Expected compliance against the MHIS is reported monthly through the Financial Performance Framework under which ICBs operate and published in the Annual Report and Accounts.
All former CCGs were required to publish a statement after the end of the financial year to state whether they consider that they have met their obligations regarding the MHIS. Each CCG was also required to appoint an independent, appropriately qualified reporting accountant to carry out a 'reasonable assurance review' on the MHIS compliance statement.
For 2021/22, all CCGs were required to plan to achieve the Mental Health Investment Standard and CCGs were required to spend greater than or equal to the 2021/22 target spend number confirmed by NHS England.
The independent review for 2021/22 was conducted after CCGs closed as statutory bodies and therefore successor ICBs had the responsibility for completing the review on behalf of their predecessor CCGs. NHS North East and North Cumbria ICB is the successor body of the following 8 CCGs listed below:
North Cumbria CCG commissioned Grant Thornton to undertake this assurance work, whilst the remaining 7 CCGs had commissioned Mazars LLP. This work was undertaken between November 2022 and February 2023. The following reports demonstrate the conclusion of that MHIS assurance work and the ICB, on behalf of each former CCG, confirms that;
And that
The CCG statement of Compliance and the Auditor reasonable assurance reports are published below for your information.
Soc County Durham 21/22 MHIS Soc Newcastle Gateshead 21/22 MHIS Soc North Cumbria 21/22 MHIS Soc North Tyneside 21/22 MHIS Soc Northumberland 21/22 MHIS Soc South Tyneside 21/22 MHIS Soc Sunderland 21/22 MHIS Soc Tees Valley 21/22 MHIS
The final annual report and accounts for 8 Clinical Commissioning Groups' can be found below:
NHS County Durham CCG annual report 22/23 NHS Newcastle Gateshead CCG annual report 22/23 NHS North Cumbria CCG annual report 22/23 NHS North Tyneside CCG annual report 22/23 NHS Northumberland CCG annual report 22/23 NHS South Tyneside CCG annual report 22/23 NHS Sunderland CCG annual report 22/23 NHS Tees Valley CCG annual report 22/23
The SEND inspection reports are below:
Middlesbrough Area SEND Full Inspection Hartlepool Area SEND Full Inspection
The NENC digital strategy is below:
NENC ICB LeDeR annual repost can be found below.
North East and North Cumbria ICB LeDeR Annual Report 2022/23
Tees Valley adult palliative and end of life care strategy can be found below.
Tees Valley Adult Palliative And End Of Life Care Strategy Sept 22 (3)
Please see below the document for Primary Care medical allocation.
Please see below the NENC inpatient quality transformation plan - July 2024.
Please see below the Joint capital resource use plan 24/25 for the North East and Yorkshire region.