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Join our BIG Conversation

Let's talk about what matters to women and girls about their health.

In our region, we want better and fairer health for all women and girls. Even with the progress we've made, women and girls still face challenges when it comes to their health. We want to change this.

Listening and acting on the views and experiences of women is a key part of making the changes we want to see happen – which is why we have launched our BIG conversation to better understand what's working well and what we can improve. 

The views we hear will directly feed into our plans for the women's health in the region.

We're working in partnership with Healthwatch and are kick-starting our BIG conversation with our survey.

Working with Healthwatch we will also be running six focus groups alongside this survey. These groups will reach out to women from seldom heard groups such as those with learning disabilities, unpaid carers, and women with maternal mental health challenges.

Let's get talking!

Join our BIG conversation for a healthier, happier future… because when women thrive, we all flourish.

Our survey asks women across the region five questions:

  1. Where would you go for women's health-related information?
  2. How confident do you feel about telling healthcare professionals about your women's health concerns?
  3. What is important to you when using women's healthcare services?
  4. What matters to you in terms of your health and well-being?
  5. What are your top five health priorities?

This survey closed in September 2024 however we would still like to hear your feedback so please do get it touch by emailing necsu.icb.involvement@nhs.net 

Turning ambition into action…

The first national plan for women's health, published in 2022, sets out a 10-year ambition to boost the health and well-being of all women and girls.

Here in the North East and North Cumbria we are also developing our plans to make things better for women and girls in our region.

Despite the many advances we have made, there is still much to do to ensure health and care services are delivering for the 51% of the population who are women.

Change is already happening here in the North East and North Cumbria:

  • £600,000 invested in 'one-stop shop' women's health hubs.
  • New initiatives provide better menopause support.
  • Improved care for breast pain, fertility, and maternal health.
  • Community pharmacies now provide UTI treatments and contraceptives.

There is more to come…

Expect more BIG conversations on key areas women and girls have highlighted as important:

  • Menstrual health and gynaecological conditions
  • Fertility, pregnancy loss, postnatal support
  • Menopause
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Cancer
  • Impact of violence against women and girls
  • Health ageing and long-term conditions

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Use our hashtags 

#BIGconvo #WomensHealthNENC 

Find out more about our Women's Health Programme. 

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