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Meetings and agendas

Integrated Care Board

Our Integrated Care Board meetings are held in public, bi-monthly and are available to view live on Facebook and here.

The most recent Board meeting took place on Tuesday 26 November 2024.

The agenda and papers can be viewed below. 

The papers from previous meetings held can be accessed under "previous board meetings".

Members of the public can request to observe the Board in person by emailing nencicb-sun.icbcorporateoffice@nhs.net

Submitting questions in advance

If you have any questions to put to the Board relating to items on the agenda, we ask for these to be submitted by 11am the day before the meeting to nencicb-sun.icbcorporateoffice@nhs.net

Where relevant, any questions will be addressed in the meeting and a written response will be sent directly to the individual who raised the question within 20 working days. 

Future meetings

  • Tuesday 28 January 2025
  • Tuesday 25 March 2025

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting took place on Tuesday 30 July 2024.

The agenda and presentation can be accessed below aswell as a recording of the meeting. 

The ICB annual report and accounts 2023/24 is available under the publication section of the website. 

Previous Board Meetings

You can find all previous board meeting details below:

Integrated Care Partnership

The Strategic Integrated Care Partnership meeting is being rescheduled for January 2025 as a dedicated workshop. 

Future meeting dates will be published in due course.

The papers and recordings from previous meetings held can be accessed under "previous ICP meetings".

If you have any queries please contact nencicb-sun.icbcorporateoffice@nhs.net

Previous ICP Meetings

You can find all previous ICP meeting details below:

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