Axiom gathers pace
The Data and Digital team at NECS continue to push ahead in making the long-held ambition of many in the NHS – a Single Version of the Truth – a reality.
The vision for Axiom is a cloud-based data platform into which all existing and future data feeds will flow. Over it, secure workspaces will sit which allow controlled access for analysts across health and care to use.
The team are in the process of concluding the first proof of concept pilot focussing on the SEND cohort in Durham, in partnership with Durham County Council, the CCG, primary care and providers. It has proved a huge success in enabling primary and secondary care health and social care data associated with the cohort to be linked and analysed using a common pseudonym, with full information governance approval, to give a more holistic view of those children’s contact points. It will inform service review and planning, as well as empower staff delivering direct care and support to identify those families who are most likely to benefit from intervention.
The next steps for Axiom include working with partners in NENC to share and develop what has been achieved with the Durham SEND project, as well as exploring how best Axiom can support Population Health Management objectives at place and system level.
The team welcomes Michaela Naylor, Programme Lead who joined NECS in April. She complements the teams existing skillset, bringing provider experience and insight.