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Get prepared for the festive season and winter

The NHS in North East and North Cumbria has issued its top tips for staying well this winter ahead of the festive season.

With the North East and North Cumbria (NENC) having already experienced significant storms and bad weather and with winter viruses including flu and coronavirus circulating, the NHS is advising people to think ahead and get prepared for winter, so helping them, their families, their local communities and helping reduce the strain on NHS services.

Dr Neil Halford, interim medical director for the NENC Integrated Care System said: “The NHS has been under significant pressure for many months already and with more bad weather predicted and a very busy festive period fast approaching, we really do need everyone to do your bit and be prepared.”

“A few simple actions by everyone will make all the difference. Getting your flu and Covid-19 vaccinations is vital, along with thinking about what NHS service can help you best – please think pharmacist, GP, 111 online or phone before heading to A&E or calling an ambulance. This will really help reduce pressure on our NHS staff and help you get the right help that you need.”

“Stocking up your medicine cabinet and ordering repeat prescriptions in good time while trying to eat well, staying warm and getting some regular exercise either in or outside your home is really important. It’s also a time to not only look after others but yourself too.”

“We know it continues to be a tough time but please continue to wear a mask where required and especially when visiting healthcare settings. Support for our NHS teams in the North East and North Cumbria who are working hard to help those who need it has been amazing – please let’s keep helping our NHS this winter.”

Read below for the NHS top tips for staying well this winter;

  • Get your winter vaccines, it’s the best defence against flu and Covid-19 viruses and will help prevent you from becoming seriously ill 
  • Wear a mask in all healthcare settings, when shopping or on public transport
  • Choose the right NHS service for your needs please think pharmacy, GP, 111 first - help keep A&E for life threatening conditions 
  • Stock up your medicine cabinet and check items are in date, your local pharmacist can advise
  • Download the NHS app and order your repeat prescriptions in good time plus check out other health advice
  • Look after your mental health and don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you need it
  • Keep active as regular exercise is important for your health and wellbeing 
  • Reduce your drinking and stay within the 14-unit low risk weekly guidelines
  • Eat well and healthy and aim to have at least 5 portions of a variety of vegetables and fruit every day
  • Wrap up warm and heat your home to at least 18C (65F) and your sitting area slightly warmer, if you can
  • Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated, 6 to 8 glasses every day is recommended
  • Look out for others as winter can be a lonely time for many and a chat or visit can make all the difference

For more advice to stay well this winter visit the NHS website

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