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High quality and safe care for all

We want to make care even safer across our region and set high standards for quality and safety for everyone.

Our regional quality strategy is key to achieving this.

It builds on the ongoing efforts in the North East and North Cumbria to create a culture of safety, openness, and learning.

While individual organisations already have measures in place we believe working together can make care safer. Such as using consistent standards and learning from mistakes or sharing best practices.

With over three million people in our region, we have access to a lot of data that helps us spot risks and find solutions. Combining this with the best global evidence, we are in a great position to innovate and improve patient safety.

As part of our plans, we're also setting up the North East and North Cumbria Patient Safety Centre to drive these improvements and enhance the safety and experience of care.

Our quality strategy

Health and care organisations across the North East and North Cumbria have come together to launch a region-wide quality strategy to improve safety and care for our communities.

Our strategy sets shared standards for culture, leadership, patient safety, and clinical effectiveness, building on the great work already in place. Shaped by feedback from our communities and staff, it focuses on delivering safer, higher-quality care.

In this episode of the Heartbeat podcast, hosted by the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board, we sit down with renowned patient safety advocate, Professor Sir Liam Donaldson. Sir Liam, an international leader in public health and safety and Chair of the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board, shares his insights on the importance of patient safety in health and care systems and the key steps needed to improve care standards globally.

We have set standards across these key overarching themes – these are:

Culture (1)

Culture and climate

Creating a culture of openness, inclusivity and compassion.


Patient safety

Such as using consistent standards and learning from when things haven't gone well or sharing best practices.


Clinical effectiveness

Providing treatments and care which are proven to work, so we get the best results for our patients.


Clinical and multi-professional leadership

Supporting our workforce lead changes and design services with patients' needs in mind.


Positive experience

Giving people the power to make decisions about their care and providing respectful and compassionate services. As well as listening and understanding the experiences of our patients, communities and staff.

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