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Involvement Strategy

Our Involvement Strategy

We want people and communities to help shape the work we do.  That includes helping us to create our involvement strategy.

In 2022, we asked people for their thoughts about involvement. We created our first ICB involvement strategy around what we heard.

In 2024, we wanted to update the strategy. We worked with Healthwatch to ask people for their thoughts. We wrote a draft strategy and asked people what they thought. We wanted to know if we got it right. We included this feedback in our Involving People and Communities strategy 2024-28. We:

  • Made the strategy shorter
  • made it easier to read
  • replaced the original principles with:
    • Involving people meaningfully
    • Removing barriers
    • Listening to feedback
  • Developed a workplan. The workplan included more detail on how we will achieve our priorities. It also included detail on how we will measure success.

Links to our strategies and workplans.

Links to the feedback which helped us to develop our strategies.

Contact Details

For more information about involvement in the ICB, email: necsu.icb.involvement@nhs.net

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