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Board meeting held in public Tuesday 30 July 2024

The Auditorium, Durham Centre, DH1 1TN

Tuesday 30 July 2024, 10.30am. 

Please contact nencicb-sun.icbcorporateoffice@nhs.net

Agenda Items

To confirm the minutes of previous meetings are accurate.

DRAFT Public Board Minutes 4 June 2024

DRAFT Extraordinary Board Minutes 26 June 2024

Updates on open actions to be given as appropriate.

Board Public Action Log

The purpose of this report is to provide an update from the Chair in relation to changes to the Board composition, committee chairing arrangements and ensure the Board is sighted on key developments.

Chairs Report

Reverse The Trend Report 

The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of recent activity carried out by the ICB team, as well as some key national policy updates. 

CEO Board Report July 2024

Helen Reay, NEAS Chief Executive and Graham Prestwich, Chair of the Independent Oversight Group attended the Board and presented NEAS' improvement journey. 

To present the Board with an updated Board Assurance Framework (BAF) as part of the quarterly review for 2024/25 including an updated ICB Risk Strategy. 

Board Assurance Framework

NENC Board Assurance Framework 2024/25 Q1

NENC Corporate Risk Register

Risk Management Strategy

The Board to receive highlight reports and confirmed minutes of the Committees of the Board.  

To provide the Board with an overview of the discussions from the Executive Committee meetings in May and June 2024.

Executive Committee Highlight Report Public

APPROVED Public Executive Committee Minutes May 2024

APPROVED Executive Committee Public Minutes June 2024



To provide the Board with an overview of the discussions at the meeting of the Quality and Safety Committee held in May 2024.

Quality and Safety Committee Highlight Report July 2024

To provide the Board with an overview of the discussions from the Finance, Performance and Investment Committee meetings in May and June 2024.

Finance Performance and Investment Committee Highlight Report

FPIC Minutes 2 May 2024

FPIC Minutes 6 June 2024

To provide the Board with an overview of the discussions from the Audit Committee meetings in April and June 2024.

Audit Committee Highlight Report

Audit Committee Minutes 22 April 2024

Audit Committee Minutes 13 June 2024

The NENC Integrated Delivery Report (IDR) provides an overview of quality and performance, highlighting any significant changes, areas of risk and mitigating actions.    

The report uses published performance quality data covering April 2024 for most metrics and May 2024 for others, unless otherwise specified. Finance data is for May 2024 (month 2). 

Integrated Delivery Report Front Cover

Integrated Delivery Report

To provide the Board with an update on the financial performance of the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (NENC ICB) and NENC Integrated Care System (ICS) in the financial year 2024/25 for the period to 31 May 2024. 

ICB Finance Report M2 2024/25 Front Cover

ICB 2024/25 Finance Report M02

Appendix 1 - ICB Debt Management Strategy

To set out the planned approach to budget delegation arrangements within the ICB for 2024/25, including proposed updates to the agreed financial limits within the ICB.

ICB Financial Delegation And Limits 2024/25

ICB Financial Limits

The North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care System 10-year system-wide infrastructure strategy aligns with our Integrated Care Partnership strategy Better Health and Wellbeing for All and sets out how we are going to work better together across the region to optimise our infrastructure in support of delivering better health and care services.

NENC Infrastructure Strategy Front Cover

NENC ICS Infrastructure Strategy

The Deputy Director of Culture and People presented an updated on the EDI plan. 

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion update July 2024

The 2023-24 North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (NENC ICB) Safeguarding Annual Report provides assurance to the Board regarding our ICB safeguarding functions and outlines the continued fulfilment of our statutory duties. 

ICB Safeguarding Annual Report Cover Sheet

ICB 2023/24 Annual Safeguarding Report

To present the Board with the NENC People and Culture Strategy.

People and Culture Strategy Front Sheet

NENC People And Culture Strategy

A letter was received from Save South Tyneside Hospital Campaign raising concerns around the national NHS dentistry crisis.

The letter and response can both be accessed below. 


ICB response

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