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Disclosure Log

If you have any queries, please email the information governance team at necsu.ICBfoi@nhs.net 


First Working Day

Date Completed Information Requested Response
FOI ICB 24-097 03/06/2024 21/06/2024 Head of Quality Governance and Assurance (ref D9134-ICB-227-2)

FOI ICB 24-097 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-098 03/06/2024 05/06/2024 Foetal cardiac view retention protocols

FOI ICB 24-098 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-099 04/06/2024 05/06/2024 Social Media Management and Listening

FOI ICB 24-099 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-100


21/06/2024 Live-in care at home

FOI ICB 24-100 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-101 05/06/2024 27/06/2024 Ophthalmology – wet age-related macular degeneration

FOI ICB 24-101 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-102 05/06/2024 18/06/2024 Children and Young Peoples Mental Health Service

FOI ICB 24-102 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-103 05/06/2024 28/06/2024 Tele dermatology

FOI ICB 24-103 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-104 06/06/2024 14/06/2024 ICD 10 and ICD11 diagnostic codes

FOI ICB 24-104 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-105 07/06/2024 11/07/2024 Standard and fast-track CHC FOI ICB 24-105 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-106 07/06/2024 04/07/2024 End of life commissioning

FOI ICB 24-106 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-107 10/06/2024


Patient choice and PSR Direct Award Process B

FOI ICB 24-107 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-108 10/06/2024 11/06/2024 Weight loss drugs

FOI ICB 24-108 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-109 10/06/2024 24/06/2024 ICS Data Strategy and Shared Care Records

FOI ICB 24-109 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-110 10/06/2024 14/06/2024 Policy for managing the Funded Nursing Care of Patients

FOI ICB 24-110 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-111 11/06/2024 18/06/2024 Women's health hub

FOI ICB 24-111 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-112 11/06/2024 24/06/2024 Cataract service specification

FOI ICB 24-112 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-113 12/06/2024 18/06/2024 Medicines Optimisation team structure

FOI ICB 24-113 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-114 13/06/2024 CLOSED Clinical insourcing Closed due to lack of clarification
FOI ICB 24-115 13/06/2024 02/07/2024 Clinical services insourcing and procurement framework

FOI ICB 24-115 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-116 14/06/2024 27/06/2024 Wound care

FOI ICB 24-116 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-117 11/06/2024 05/07/2024 Patient safety

FOI ICB 24-117 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-118 17/06/2024 24/06/2024 PCN underspend

FOI ICB 24-118 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-119 18/06/2024 15/07/2024 Commissioning policy when mixing public and private healthcare

FOI ICB 24-119 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-120 20/06/2024 25/06/2024 Guidelines and policies for the treatment of obesity

FOI ICB 24-120 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-121


03/07/2024 Docman contract

FOI ICB 24-121 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-122 24/06/2024


Virtual wards

FOI ICB 24-122 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-123 24/06/2024 04/07/2024 Devices and spend FOI ICB 24-123 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-124 24/06/2024 25/06/2024 Criteria for breast reduction surgery FOI ICB 24-124 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-125 25/06/2024 09/07/2024 Quality & Safety Committee report FOI ICB 24-125 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-126 25/06/2024 CLOSED Spend on community services Closed due to lack of clarification
FOI ICB 24-127 25/06/2024 CLOSED Information on MSK, Pain and Rheumatology Services Closed due to lack of clarification
FOI ICB 24-128 26/06/2024 23/07/2024 Discretionary services FOI ICB 24-128 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-129 26/06/2024 02/07/2024 ICB guidelines on off label prescribing

FOI ICB 24-129 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-130 27/06/2024 11/07/2024 e-Referral System (e-RS)

FOI ICB 24-130 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-131 27/06/2024 05/07/2024 Mental Health Providers FOI ICB 24-131 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-132 27/06/2024 18/07/2024 Service or pathway for CYP with learning disabilities FOI ICB 24-132 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-133 28/06/2024 04/07/2024 Primary Care Premises FOI ICB 24-133 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-134 28/06/2024 11/07/2024 Children with Heart Defects & Tube Feeding Issues FOI ICB 24-134 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-135 28/06/2024 02/07/2024 Settlement Agreements & Confidentiality Clauses – NENC ICB FOI ICB 24-135 response letter here.

For copies of any attachments to FOI responses, please contact necsu.icbfoi@nhs.net


First Working Day

Date Completed Information Requested Response
FOI ICB 24-052 01/05/2024 01/05/2024 CHC leads

FOI ICB 24-052 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-053 01/05/2024 22/05/2024 Ringfenced suicide prevention funding

FOI ICB 24-053 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-054 01/05/2024 16/05/2024 General Practice Local Enhanced Services (LES)

FOI ICB 24-054 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-055 02/05/2024 13/05/2024 Physical rehabilitation services

FOI ICB 24-055 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-056 03/05/2024 17/05/2024 Structured diabetes education (SDE) programmes

FOI ICB 24-056 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-057 03/05/2024 23/05/2024 Expert hypertension specialists and centres

FOI ICB 24-057 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-058 03/05/2024 14/05/2024 ICB workforce

FOI ICB 24-058 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-059 04/05/2024 08/05/2024 IT system supporting Shared Care Record

FOI ICB 24-059 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-060 07/05/2024 23/05/2024 Contracts with Independent Sector Providers FOI ICB 24-060 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-061 25/04/2024 22/05/2024 Cloud based telephony provisional funding for additional practices

FOI ICB 24-061 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-062 09/05/2024


Expenditure on IT systems and services to support GPs in 2023/24

FOI ICB 24-062 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-063 09/05/2024 29/05/2024 Virtual wards

FOI ICB 24-063 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-064 10/05/2024 22/05/2024 Assistant Directors of Finance contact details

FOI ICB 24-064 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-065 10/05/2024 07/06/2024 NHS Adult Audiology Services

FOI ICB 24-065 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-066 10/05/2024 07/06/2024 CHC information

FOI ICB 24-066 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-067 13/05/2024 13/05/2024 Pharmacy applications

FOI ICB 24-067 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-068 13/05/2024 23/05/2024 Dental services

FOI ICB 24-068 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-069 13/05/2024 31/05/2024 Continence care FOI ICB 24-069 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-070 20/05/2024 17/06/2024 Audiology Services

FOI ICB 24-070 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-071 21/05/2024 11/06/2024 Primary care rebate schemes

FOI ICB 24-071 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-072 14/05/2024 17/05/2024 Pathway referral

FOI ICB 24-072 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-073 16/05/2024 16/05/2024 Received statutory complaint report

FOI ICB 24-073 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-074 16/05/2024 04/06/2024 Locally commissioned services (follow up to FOI ICB763)

FOI ICB 24-074 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-075 17/05/2024 23/05/2024 Sight tests activity and budget

FOI ICB 24-075 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-076


17/06/2024 ICB funding of proposed extensions to Springwell Health Centre

FOI ICB 24-076 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-077 20/05/2024


Dental practices accepting new NHS patients

FOI ICB 24-077 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-078 21/05/2024 20/05/2024 Adult and Children ASD and ADHD commissioners contacts FOI ICB 24-078 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-079 22/05/2024 19/06/2024 Tier 3 weight management services FOI ICB 24-079 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-080 22/05/2024 06/06/2024 Wheelchair Provider/Services for NENC ICB FOI ICB 24-080 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-081 22/05/2024 19/06/2024 Children and young people’s MH services FOI ICB 24-081 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-082 23/05/2024 05/06/2024 Women's health and menopause FOI ICB 24-082 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-083 23/05/2024 13/06/2024 ARRS Spend 2023/24 and Local Incentive Schemes FOI ICB 24-083 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-084 23/05/2024 05/06/2024 Wheelchair Services

FOI ICB 24-084 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-085 24/05/2024 31/05/2024 Contract agreements

FOI ICB 24-085 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-086 24/05/2024 11/06/2024 Weight Management Services FOI ICB 24-086 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-087 24/05/2024 06/06/2024 Interpretation and Translation Services FOI ICB 24-087 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-088 24/05/2024 28/05/2024 Digital Structure Chart FOI ICB 24-088 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-089 24/05/2024 24/05/2024 Maternity unit closures FOI ICB 24-089 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-090 24/05/2024 30/05/2024 Long waits for treatments FOI ICB 24-090 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-091 28/05/2024 30/05/2024 COPD statistics

FOI ICB 24-091 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-092 28/05/2024 28/05/2024 Drug Patient Level Contract Monitoring and SACT Cancer Reports FOI ICB 24-092 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-093 28/05/2024 CLOSED Pharmacy applications Closed due to lack of clarification
FOI ICB 24-094 29/05/2024 10/06/2024 Contracts with Independent Sector Providers

FOI ICB 24-094 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-095 30/05/2024 04/06/2024 Spend on Allied Health Professional (AHP) agency staff

FOI ICB 24-095 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-096 31/05/2024 13/06/2024 Language services – interpreting, translation and transcription

FOI ICB 24-096 response letter here.

For copies of any attachments to FOI responses, please contact necsu.icbfoi@nhs.net


First Working Day

Date Completed Information Requested Response
FOI ICB 24-001 07/04/2024 02/05/2024 Cataract operations purchased

FOI ICB 24-001 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-002 02/04/2024 11/04/2024 Weight loss medication

FOI ICB 24-002 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-003 03/04/2024 11/04/2024 Flexible working

FOI ICB 24-003 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-004 03/04/2024 03/04/2024 GP email addresses

FOI ICB 24-004 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-005 03/04/2024 15/04/2024 Linked data/ BI platforms/ PHM analytics platforms

FOI ICB 24-005 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-006 03/04/2024 CLOSED MSK Services

Request closed – no clarification

FOI ICB 24-007 03/04/2024 26/04/2024 Memory assessment

FOI ICB 24-007 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-008 04/04/2024 08/04/2024 Dyspepsia pathways in primary care locally

FOI ICB 24-008 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-009 04/04/2024 08/04/2024 Mental health support for children and young people FOI ICB 24-009 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-010 04/04/2024 15/04/2024 Ophthalmology services

FOI ICB 24-010 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-011 11/04/2024


Ophthalmology services

FOI ICB 24-011 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-012 11/04/2024 19/04/2024 Staff travel (GP Transformation Team)

FOI ICB 24-012 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-013 05/04/2024 26/04/2024 Email or WhatsApp correspondence to or from the medical director or equivalent of your health board

FOI ICB 24-013 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-014 05/04/2024 05/04/2024 HealthCall digital solutions

FOI ICB 24-014 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-015 08/04/2024 16/04/2024 Sexual Health Platform

FOI ICB 24-015 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-016 08/04/2024 09/04/2024 111 mental health support

FOI ICB 24-016 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-017 07/05/2024 17/05/2024 NHS funded ophthalmic procedures

FOI ICB 24-017 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-018 09/04/2024 10/04/2024 Capacity and Access Improvement Payment (CAIP) FOI ICB 24-018 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-019 09/04/2024 15/04/2024 ARRS allocation

FOI ICB 24-019 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-020 11/04/2024 02/05/2024 Tier 2, Tier 3 and Tier 4 weight management services

FOI ICB 24-020 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-021 10/04/2024 01/05/2024 Anticoagulant Monitoring Clinic contract

FOI ICB 24-021 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-022 11/04/2024 CLOSED Primary care rebate schemes

Request closed – no clarification

FOI ICB 24-023 11/04/2024 03/05/2024 NICE TA943

FOI ICB 24-023 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-024 11/04/2024 24/04/2024 Cancer Care Alliance contacts

FOI ICB 24-024 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-025


16/04/2024 Private ADHD assessment

FOI ICB 24-025 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-026 12/04/2024


Spend and access to hospice services for CYP with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions

FOI ICB 24-026 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-027 12/04/2024 16/04/2024 Pharmacy closures FOI ICB 24-027 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-028 15/04/2024 16/04/2024 PSR Provider Accreditation Process FOI ICB 24-028 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-029 16/04/2024 13/05/2024 Ophthalmology services FOI ICB 24-029 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-030 17/04/2024 07/05/2024 GP premises and maintenance FOI ICB 24-030 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-031 17/04/2024 19/04/2024 Contacts of Directors, HoS FOI ICB 24-031 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-032 17/04/2024 26/04/2024 GP APMS contracts FOI ICB 24-032 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-033 18/04/2024 29/04/2024 Personal Health Budgets (Carers)

FOI ICB 24-033 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-034 18/04/2024 29/04/2024 Personal Health Budgets (Support/Promotion)

FOI ICB 24-034 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-035 18/04/2024 18/04/2024 Fertility Policy FOI ICB 24-035 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-036 19/04/2024 19/04/2024 Absorbent Continence Products FOI ICB 24-036 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-037 19/04/2024 08/05/2024 Spend on office supplies and associated products (ICB) FOI ICB 24-037 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-038 19/04/2024 08/05/2024 Spend on office supplies and associated products (ICS) FOI ICB 24-038 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-039 22/04/2024 25/04/2024 ICB compliance with NICE guidelines NG119, Cerebral Palsy in Adults FOI ICB 24-039 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-040 22/04/2024 08/05/2024 Social Media Management and Listening

FOI ICB 24-040 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-041 23/04/2024 16/05/2024 Communication Services Funding and Providers for GPs FOI ICB 24-041 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-042 23/04/2024 14/05/2024 Speech and language therapy (SLT) services FOI ICB 24-042 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-043 23/04/2024 23/04/2024 Fertility treatment referrals

FOI ICB 24-043 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-044 24/04/2024 01/05/2024 JCUH Urgent Treatment Centre

FOI ICB 24-044 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-045 24/04/2024 03/05/2024 Support for gut related issues

FOI ICB 24-045 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-046 24/04/2024 17/05/2024 Provision of ADHD (Attention deficity hyperactivity disorder) services

FOI ICB 24-046 response letter here.

FOI ICB 24-047 25/04/2024 CLOSED ICB Safeguarding Policy for Care Homes Closed as per applicant request
FOI ICB 24-048 26/04/2024 07/05/2024 Misconduct affecting patient centred care FOI ICB 24-048 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-049 29/04/2024 23/05/2024 In-patient mental health beds spend by provider FOI ICB 24-049 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-050 30/04/2024 30/04/2024 Community Dental Services FOI ICB 24-050 response letter here.
FOI ICB 24-051 30/04/2024 03/05/2024 Primary care rebate schemes FOI ICB 24-051 response letter here.

For copies of any attachments to FOI responses, please contact necsu.icbfoi@nhs.net


First Working Day

Date Completed Information Requested Response
ICB797 01/03/2024 26/03/2024 Age-related Hearing Services

ICB797 response letter here.

ICB798 04/03/2024 18/03/2024 Contract with S12 solutions Ltd

ICB798 response letter here.

ICB799 06/03/2024 25/03/2024 MSK services

ICB799 response letter here.

ICB800 06/03/2024 21/03/2024 Names of Directors of Commissioning by place

ICB800 response letter here.

ICB801 06/03/2024 12/03/2024 Agency Nursing Spend

ICB801 response letter here.

ICB802 06/03/2024 08/04/2024 All of the current policies and procedures relating to Children's continuing healthcare in Newcastle upon Tyne

ICB802 response letter here.

ICB803 05/03/2024 08/04/2024 Can I check that all of the MHST's provided in response to ICB769 are currently operational?

ICB803 response letter here.

ICB804 06/03/2024 08/04/2024 GP participation in shared care plans for patients with ADHD and for those with non-ADHD diagnoses

ICB804 response letter here.

ICB805 07/03/2024 08/04/2024 NECS496 Integrated Urgent Care Service procurement ICB805 response letter here.
ICB806 08/03/2024 12/03/2024 Missed GP appointments

ICB806 response letter here.

ICB807 08/03/2024


Gastroenterology Services

ICB807 response letter here.

If you require copies of the attachments, contact necsu.icbfoi@nhs.net

ICB808 11/03/2024 22/03/2024 Copies of schedules 2A & 2Aii from contracts

ICB808 response letter here.

If you require copies of the attachments, contact necsu.icbfoi@nhs.net

ICB809 11/03/2024 05/04/2024 Childrens Continuing Care

ICB809 response letter here.

ICB810 11/02/2024 25/03/2024 Commissioning recommendations for blood glucose and ketone meters, testing strips and lancets

ICB810 response letter here.

ICB811 11/03/2024 27/03/2024 Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)

ICB811 response letter here.

ICB812 08/03/2024 13/03/2024 Property assets

ICB812 response letter here.

ICB813 12/03/2024 03/04/2024 General Practice locally enhanced service incentive schemes.

ICB813 response letter here.

ICB814 12/03/2024 20/03/2024 Language service spending trends ICB814 response letter here.
ICB815 13/03/2024 13/03/2024 Patient waiting times

ICB815 response letter here.

ICB816 13/03/2024 13/03/2024 Name and contact details of the Community Clinical Commissioning Lead within your council

ICB816 response letter here.

ICB817 11/03/2024 12/03/2024 Clinical Trials Landscape in Oncology

ICB817 response letter here.

ICB818 12/03/2024 13/03/2024 Number of junior doctors taking sick leave

ICB818 response letter here.

ICB819 12/03/2024 25/03/2024 Financial Spend for Agency Staff

ICB819 response letter here.

ICB820 11/03/2024 15/03/2024 Unconscious Bias training

ICB820 response letter here.



10/04/2024 Adult Community Cardiology Services

ICB821 response letter here.

ICB822 14/03/2024


Memory Clinics

ICB822 response letter here.

ICB823 15/03/2024 14/03/2024 Overtime paid by Claypath Medical Centre ICB823 response letter here.
ICB824 15/03/2024 05/04/2024 Autism waiting times ICB824 response letter here.
ICB825 19/03/2024 25/03/2024 2024/2025 list of capital schemes as detailed within the Joint Capital Resource Use Plan 2024/2025. ICB825 response letter here.
ICB826 19/03/2024 21/03/2024 Primary Care Data Gathering Programme ICB826 response letter here.
ICB827 20/03/2024 02/04/2024 Core and supplementary hours are recorded with the authorities for each location. ICB827 response letter here.
ICB828 21/03/2024 25/03/2024 Virtual wards ICB828 response letter here.
ICB829 21/03/2024 15/04/2024 Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)

ICB829 response letter here.

North East England alcohol in pregnancy maternity pathway here.

ICB830 22/03/2024 16/04/2024 NHS Direct Payments – Children's Continuing Care

ICB830 response letter here.

ICB831 22/03/2024 17/04/2024 Comm pharmacy independent pathfinder programme ICB831 response letter here.
ICB832 25/03/2024 18/04/2024 Weight loss surgeries ICB832 response letter here.
ICB833 25/03/2024 16/04/2024 Keloid Scars ICB833 response letter here.
ICB834 25/03/2024 16/04/2024 Social Prescribing Link Workers ICB834 response letter here.
ICB835 26/03/2024 03/04/2024 Mental Health Commissioner ICB835 response letter here.
ICB836 26/03/2024 02/04/2024 New pharmacy applications

ICB836 response letter here.

ICB837 26/03/2024 12/04/2024 Elderly care in Carlisle ICB837 response letter here.
ICB838 27/03/2024 27/03/2024 ARRS ICB838 response letter here.
ICB839 27/03/2024 18/04/2024 Duchenne muscular dystrophy

ICB839 response letter here.

ICB840 27/03/2024 11/04/2024 Ophthalmology services to the independent sector

ICB840 response letter here.

ICB841 28/03/2024 27/03/2024 Scope of Practice for Nursing Associates Policy

ICB841 response letter here.



First Working Day

Date Completed Information Requested Response
ICB743 01/02/2024 12/02/2024 Nephrostomy procedures

ICB743 response letter here.

ICB744 01/02/2024 28/02/2024 NICE quality standard 204 on Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

ICB744 response letter here.

Final alcohol in pregnancy pathway here.

NENC alcohol in pregnancy audit here.

Guidance sheet for professionals here.

ICB745 02/02/2024 02/02/2024 Virtual Wards System

ICB745 response letter here.

ICB746 06/02/2024 08/02/2024 Maternity and neonatal services

ICB746 response letter here.

ICB747 06/02/2024 01/03/2024 Dental contracts and variation agreements

ICB747 response letter here.

ICB748 06/02/2024 01/03/2024 Commissioning and management for All Age Continuing Healthcare (AACC)

ICB748 response letter here.

ICB749 06/02/2024 06/02/2024 IVF & BMI Limits

ICB749 response letter here.

ICB750 06/02/2024 22/03/2024 Decommissioned service lines

ICB750 response letter here.

ICB751 07/02/2024 08/02/2024 Obesity & Weight Management ICB751 response letter here.
ICB752 08/02/2024 12/02/2024 Referral pathways between primary and secondary care for diabetic patients

ICB752 response letter here.

JCUH diabetes foot referral pathway here.

ICB753 08/02/2024


ICB private funding

Clarification requested but not received so closed off.

ICB754 08/02/2024 22/02/2024 The drug DARIDOREXANT and your Formulary

ICB754 response letter here.

ICB755 09/02/2024 12/02/2024 Talking Therapies / IAPT Service

ICB755 response letter here.

ICB756 09/02/2024 29/02/2024 Contracts for elective healthcare

ICB756 response letter here.

ICB757 09/02/2024 09/02/2024 People with mental health problems offered physical activities as a treatment

ICB757 response letter here.

ICB758 12/02/2024 13/02/2024 Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services (NEPTS)

ICB758 response letter here.

ICB759 12/02/2024 12/02/2024 Pathology IT systems

ICB759 response letter here.

ICB760 12/02/2024 04/03/2024 Low secure units and MH ICB760 response letter here.
ICB761 12/02/2024 04/03/2024 Professional athletes' injuries and mental health

ICB6761 response letter here.

ICB762 13/02/2024 27/02/2024 Non-Emergency Patient Transport

ICB762 response letter here.

ICB763 13/02/2024 05/03/2024 Locally commissioned services

ICB763 response letter here.

ICB764 14/02/2024 11/03/2024 CYP / CCHC costs

ICB764 response letter here.

ICB765 14/02/2024 15/02/2024 WFH Policy

ICB765 response letter here.

ICB766 14/02/2024 01/03/2024 Community Diagnostic Centres (CDCs)

ICB766 response letter here.



08/03/2024 Community Contracts

ICB767 response letter here.

ICB768 15/02/2024


Community health services for speech and language

ICB768 response letter here.

ICB769 15/02/2024 29/02/2024 Number of MHSTs ICB769 response letter here.
ICB770 15/02/2024 07/03/2024 RTMS (Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) ICB770 response letter here.
ICB771 16/02/2024 08/03/2024 Heart failure diagnostic test provision ICB771 response letter here.
ICB772 16/02/2024 N/A Funding for Right to Choose ASD/ADHD Determined not to be an FOI so closed off
ICB773 16/02/2024 16/02/2024 UTC Consultation - South Tees Hospital FT ICB773 response letter here.
ICB774 16/02/2024 26/02/2024 Contact Information ICB774 response letter here.
ICB775 16/02/2024 01/03/2024 Dentistry funding ICB775 response letter here.
ICB776 16/02/2024 12/03/2024 Primary Care funding

ICB776 response letter here.

Contact necsu.icbfoi@nhs.net for a copy of the response attachments

ICB777 19/02/2024 19/02/2024 Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete ICB777 response letter here.
ICB778 20/02/2024 15/03/2024 Capital spend and vendor contracts ICB778 response letter here.
ICB779 21/02/2024 05/03/2024 People with dementia or mental health needs in care homes ICB779 response letter here.
ICB780 21/02/2024 27/02/2024 All docs relating to decision to outsource anticoagulation service to 3rd party provider ICB780 response letter here.
ICB781 21/02/2024 08/03/2024 Complaints made against physician associates ICB781 response letter here.
ICB782 22/02/2024 14/03/2024 Disease/Illness Vaccinations

ICB782 response letter here.

ICB783 22/02/2024 15/03/2024 Sleep Disorders ICB783 response letter here.
ICB784 22/02/2024 07/03/2024 Abdominoplasty procedures via IFR ICB784 response letter here.
ICB785 19/02/2024 26/02/2024 UTC Consultation – South Tees Hospital FT

ICB785 response letter here.

ICB786 22/02/2024 12/03/2024 NECS Programme Lead [Band 7] job description

ICB786 response letter here.

Project manager job description here.

ICB787 23/02/2024 26/02/2024 Electronic Patients Records System(s)

ICB787 response letter here.

ICB788 26/02/2024 05/03/2024 Virtual Wards

ICB788 response letter here.

ICB789 26/02/2024 07/03/2024 Wheelchair & postural seating services ICB789 response letter here.
ICB790 26/02/2024 28/02/2024 Eye care

ICB790 response letter here.

ICB791 27/02/2024 27/02/2024 PCNs incl GP Surgeries and Clinical Directors ICB791 response letter here.
ICB792 24/02/2024 11/03/2024 111 calls ICB792 response letter here.
ICB793 28/02/2024 01/03/2024 The care of transgender people and the NHS right to choose ICB793 response letter here.
ICB794 28/02/2024 07/03/2024 Stats on Abortions ICB794 response letter here.
ICB795 29/02/2024 22/03/2024 Care Home bookings ICB795 response letter here.
ICB796 29/02/2024 12/03/2024 Information for the Project NECS469 LMNS ICB796 response letter here.



First Working Day

Date Completed Information Requested Response
ICB679 11/01/2024 26/01/2024 A copy of the section 75 Partnership Agreement between the ICB and the Local Authority

ICB679 response letter here.

ICB679 disclosure log file note here.

ICB680 02/01/2024 15/01/2024 Translation, Interpretation and language services costs

ICB680 response letter here.

ICB681 02/01/2024 15/01/2024 Patient readmissions following doses of Dalteparin, Enoxaparin or Tinzaparin

ICB681 response letter here.

ICB682 03/01/2024 03/01/2024 ICB In-house legal services

ICB682 response letter here.

ICB683 04/01/2024 05/01/2024 Provider Selection Regime (PSR) – Award process B

ICB683 response letter here.

ICB683 Q2 attachment here.

ICB684 05/01/2024 22/01/2024 Primary Care Electronic Health Record Providers

ICB684 response letter here.

ICB684 disclosure log file note here.

ICB685 04/01/2024 01/02/2024 PCN's, Clinical Directors and Digital Transformation Leads

ICB685 response letter here.

ICB685 response spreadsheet here.

ICB686 08/01/2024 19/01/2024 Community Dermatology

ICB686 response letter here.

ICB687 04/01/2024 30/01/2024 Details for procurement Targeted Lung Health Checks ICB687 response letter here.
ICB688 08/01/2024 01/02/2024 Children and Young Peoples (CYP) Autism Spectrum Disorder Service

ICB688 response letter here.

ICB689 09/01/2024


Purchase of Intermittent Pneumatic Compression sleeves

ICB689 response letter here.

ICB690 09/01/2024 08/01/2024 Purchase of Anti-Embolism Stockings

ICB690 response letter here.

ICB691 11/01/2024 06/02/2024 Neurology and Dementia Services

ICB691 response letter here.

ICB691 disclosure log file note here.

ICB692 11/01/2024 02/02/2024 Translation and Interpretation Costs

ICB692 response letter here.

ICB693 11/01/2024 23/01/2024 Unplanned/ ad-hoc/ non-contract spend that is occurring in mental health

ICB693 response letter here.

ICB694 11/01/2024 16/01/2024 Commission of Care Planning, Restore, Learning Disability software

ICB694 response letter here.

ICB695 12/01/2024 24/01/2024 Capital Deployment for elective recovery

ICB695 response letter here.

ICB696 15/01/2024 07/02/2024 NHS continuing healthcare applications ICB696 response letter here.
ICB697 15/01/2024 08/02/2024 Purchasing of eye care procedures

ICB697 response letter here.

ICB698 15/01/2024 02/02/2024 Temporary agency Labour

ICB698 response letter here.

ICB699 15/01/2024 26/01/2024 Pain Services

ICB699 response letter here.

ICB699 disclosure log file note here.

ICB700 15/01/2024 06/02/2024 CHC Funded Homecare for the year 2022/23

ICB700 response letter here.

ICB700 disclosure log file note here.

ICB701 16/01/2024 24/01/2024 Paediatric Allergy Services

ICB701 response letter here.

ICB702 16/01/2024 24/01/2024 Ophthalmology service specs

ICB702 response letter here.

ICB702 disclosure log file note here.

ICB702 response spreadsheet here.



25/01/2024 GP visa sponsorship

ICB703 response letter here.

ICB704 17/01/2024


Ophthalmology provider contracts and pricing

ICB704 response letter here.

ICB704 Q4 & Q10 response spreadsheet here.

ICB704 Q5 & Q11 response spreadsheet here.

ICB705 16/01/2024 26/01/2024 Prescription Costs ICB705 response letter here.
ICB706 17/01/2024 26/01/2024 ICS EPR Providers ICB706 response letter here.
ICB707 17/01/2024 23/01/2024 Serious incidents or never events recorded by ophthalmology departments ICB707 response letter here.
ICB708 17/01/2024 09/02/2024 MHA assessments – doctors' claims ICB708 response letter here.
ICB709 17/01/2024 26/01/2024 NHS Appliance Use Review Form ICB709 response letter here.
ICB710 18/01/2024 26/01/2024 Dynamic Support Registers ICB710 response letter here.
ICB711 04/01/2024 17/01/2024 Appeal form for the Disruptive Patient Scheme and the Supported Allocation Scheme ICB711 response letter here.
ICB712 18/01/2024 22/01/2024 Ophthalmology contracts ICB712 response letter here.
ICB713 19/01/2024 14/02/2024 Fast Track CHC from July 22 - Dec 23 ICB713 response letter here.
ICB714 19/01/2024 30/01/2024 Domiciliary Dental Contracts ICB714 response letter here.
ICB715 19/01/2024 19/01/2024 Babies & start of life services ICB715 response letter here.
ICB716 19/01/2024 22/01/2024 ICB chair and mental health lead contact ICB716 response letter here.
ICB717 22/01/2024 14/02/2024 Pharmacy Applications Darlington, Stockton ICB717 response letter here.
ICB718 22/01/2024 14/02/2024 Communications & Public Relations Spend

ICB718 response letter here.

If you require the attachments, please contact necsu.icbfoi@nhs.net

ICB719 22/01/2024 08/02/2024 Discriminatory requirement to undergo self-funded fertility treatment ICB719 response letter here.
ICB720 22/01/2024 23/01/2024 Online sexual health testing services ICB720 response letter here.
ICB721 22/01/2024 13/02/2024 Contract Register, Procurement Strategy, and Contact Details

ICB721 response letter here.

If you require the attachments, please contact necsu.icbfoi@nhs.net

ICB722 23/01/2024 23/01/2024 Gas and electricity contracts and energy management system ICB722 response letter here.
ICB723 22/01/2024 14/02/2024 Adult Diabetes, Gonadal and Thyroid Clinic Services

ICB723 response letter here.

If you require the attachments, please contact necsu.icbfoi@nhs.net

ICB724 23/01/2024 14/02/2024 Older Person's Care

ICB724 response letter here.

ICB724 response spreadsheet here.

ICB725 23/01/2024 26/01/2024 Fertility Units ICB725 response letter here.
ICB726 19/01/2024 14/02/2024 Mental Health Services

ICB726 response letter here.

If you require the attachments, please contact necsu.icbfoi@nhs.net

ICB727 24/01/2024 12/02/2024 Late Effects of Cancer Services ICB727 response letter here.
ICB728 24/01/2024 24/01/2024 Guidelines for treatment of Hidradenitis Suppuretiva ICB728 response letter here.
ICB729 24/01/2024 01/02/2024 Senior Responsible Officers ICB729 response letter here.
ICB730 24/01/2024 23/01/2024 Optical Biometry ICB730 response letter here.
ICB731 24/01/2024 26/01/2024 Myeloma service provision (England) ICB731 response letter here.
ICB732 24/01/2024 24/01/2024 Education and Training ICB732 response letter here.
ICB733 24/01/2024 24/01/2024 Ophthalmic Surgery ICB733 response letter here.
ICB734 25/01/2024 13/02/2024 Tender for UTC at JCUH ICB734 response letter here.
ICB735 25/01/2024 30/01/2024 Ophthalmic Surgery - Operating Microscopes ICB735 response letter here.
ICB736 24/01/2024 06/02/2024 Primary medical services spend ICB736 response letter here.
ICB737 25/01/2024 07/02/2024 Provider Collaborative Senior Responsible Officer ICB737 response letter here.
ICB738 25/01/2024 25/01/2024 For NCIC outpatient facilities ICB738 response letter here.
ICB739 29/01/2024 21/02/2024 Waiting times for young people being assessed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

ICB739 response letter here.

ICB739 disclosure log file note here.

ICB740 30/01/2024 23/02/2024 ITOM, ITSM and Security software questions ICB740 response letter here.
ICB741 31/01/2024 27/03/2024 Spend on bed capacity (MH) consultancy services and private finance initiatives

ICB741 response letter here.

FOI741 here.


ICB742 31/01/2024 29/02/2024 Optometry to Ophthalmology ICB742 response letter here.



First Working Day

Date Completed Information Requested Response
ICB652 01/12/2023 21/12/2023 Orthodontic waiting list in primary care

ICB652 response letter here.

ICB653 04/12/2023 13/12/2023 ADHD assessment contracts

ICB653 response letter here.

ICB654 05/12/2023 05/12/2023 Long Covid

ICB654 response letter here.

ICB655 05/12/2023 08/12/2023 Software system capable of patient radiation dose recording and management in radiology

ICB655 response letter here.

ICB656 05/12/2023 12/01/2024 Older Person's Care

ICB656 response letter here.

ICB657 06/12/2023 06/12/2023 What the ICB produces/records with regard to Armed Forces/Veteran Healthcare

ICB657 response letter here.

ICB658 07/12/2023 21/12/2023 Non-emergency patient transport ICB658 response letter here.
ICB659 07/12/2023 22/12/2023 Teledermatology

ICB659 response letter here.

ICB660 07/12/2023 13/12/2023 HTAAF funding ICB660 response letter here.
ICB661 07/12/2023 07/12/2023 GP Practice numbers within the ICB

ICB661 response letter here.

ICB662 08/12/2023


Community Diagnostic Centres

ICB662 response letter here.

ICB663 11/12/2023 09/01/2024 Personal Health Budgets (PHBs)

ICB663 response letter here.

ICB664 11/12/2023 11/12/2023 Practice list & practice closures ICB664 response letter here.
ICB665 12/12/2023 09/01/2024 Key Worker Schemes – Learning Disabilities

ICB665 response letter here.

ICB665 disclosure log file note here.

ICB666 12/12/2023 02/01/2024 Parking for disabled staff

ICB666 response letter here.

ICB667 11/12/2023 21/12/2023 UDA rates for dental practices in Durham, Darlington and Teesside

ICB667 response letter here.

ICB668 13/12/2023 12/01/2024 Learning Disability support to adults

ICB668 response letter here.

ICB669 13/12/2023 15/12/2023 Salaries of personal assistants to directors & chief operators ICB669 response letter here.
ICB670 14/12/2023 15/01/2023 Tier 3 weight management

ICB670 response letter here.

ICB671 14/12/2023 15/01/2024 Fertility Services

ICB671 response letter here.

ICB672 18/12/2023 12/01/2024 CHC Funded Homecare

ICB672 response letter here.

ICB673 18/12/2023 12/01/2024 Commissioning of Contractor GP Services

ICB673 response letter here.

ICB673 disclosure log file note here.

ICB674 18/12/2023 15/01/2024 Citizenship of staff

ICB674 response letter here.

ICB675 22/12/2023 22/01/2024 Average daily rate for an inpatient bed for a person with a learning disability and/or autistic person

ICB675 response letter here.



24/01/2024 Allocation of funds attributed to the Better Care Fund (BCF)

ICB676 response letter here.

ICB677 27/12/2023


Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)

ICB677 response letter here.

ICB678 27/12/2023 29/12/2023 Newcastle Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment and applications for Inclusion in the Pharmaceutical List ICB678 response letter here.



First Working Day

Date Completed Information Requested Response
ICB593 01/11/2023 20/11/2023 Referral pathways for Dermatology

ICB593 response letter here.

If you require a copy of the attachments, please contact necsu.icbfoi@nhs.net

ICB594 01/11/2023 02/11/2023 Medium-term financial plan

ICB594 response letter here.

ICB595 01/11/2023 28/11/2023 Total value ICB has been invoiced by care homes from 1/7/22 - 30/6/23

ICB595 response letter here.

ICB596 01/11/2023 26/11/2023 Usage of healthcare travel cost scheme

ICB596 response letter here.

ICB597 02/11/2023 15/11/2023 Recruitment process and costs

ICB597 response letter here.

ICB598 06/11/2023 10/11/2023 Surge Ward Integration

ICB598 response letter here.

ICB599 06/11/2023 10/11/2023 Wheelchair Services ICB599 response letter here.
ICB600 07/11/2023 16/11/2023 Structure and Decision Making within the ICB/ICS

ICB600 response letter here.

ICB601 08/11/2023 08/11/2023 CIO and professionalism ICB601 response letter here.
ICB602 08/11/2023 20/11/2023 Acute Respiratory Hubs

ICB602 response letter here.

ICB603 01/11/2023


Details of CHC Assessments in April 2023

ICB603 response letter here.

ICB604 09/11/2023 04/12/2023 ADHD & ASD Provisions and Waiting Lists

ICB604 response letter here.

ICB605 10/11/2023 14/11/2023 Primary Care Rebate Schemes ICB605 response letter here.
ICB606 10/11/2023 21/11/2023 Dementia Strategy

ICB606 response letter here.

ICB607 10/11/2023 28/11/2023 Audiology Services

ICB607 response letter here.

ICB608 10/11/2023 06/12/2023 Prescribing Incentive Scheme

ICB608 response letter here.

If you require a copy of the attachments, please contact necsu.icbfoi@nhs.net

ICB609 10/11/2023 05/12/2023 ARRS spend of PCNs for 23/24 and pathology lab used to process blood tests

ICB609 response letter here.

ICB610 10/11/2023 27/11/2023 Policies re abuse, violence or aggression towards primary care staff ICB610 response letter here.
ICB611 13/11/2023 22/11/2023 Organisation design

ICB611 response letter here.

ICB612 13/11/2023 13/11/2023 MRI Scans

ICB612 response letter here.

ICB613 13/11/2023 05/12/2023 Primary Care Commissioning arrangements for residents of Hartlepool care homes

ICB613 response letter here.

ICB614 13/11/2023 24/11/2023 Health service commissioning data

ICB614 response letter here.

If you require a copy of the attachments, please contact necsu.icbfoi@nhs.net

ICB5615 15/11/2023 07/12/2023 In-patient fee rates for MH, NP and ABI

ICB615 response letter here.

ICB616 15/11/2023 16/11/2023 Structure and staffing of the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) services provided by NHS NENC ICB.

ICB616 response letter here.



28/11/2023 YTD deficit

ICB617 response letter here.

ICB618 16/11/2023


Dentistry budget

ICB618 response letter here.

ICB619 16/11/2023 30/11/2023 Financial plan from NHSE ICB619 response letter here.
ICB620 16/11/2023 16/11/2023 Which Trust we commission for Adult Autism Assess & Diagnosis

ICB620 response letter here.

ICB621 17/11/2023 12/12/2023 Funding allocated for virtual wards

ICB621 response letter here.

ICB622 17/11/2023 17/11/2023 Birth statistics for NCIC

ICB622 response letter here.

ICB623 17/11/2023 17/11/2023 Periocular and facial surgical funding policies for patients with thyroid eye disease (TED) or facial nerve palsies (FNP)

ICB623 response letter here.

ICB624 17/11/2023 17/11/2023 Lower Limb wound care services

ICB624 response letter here.

ICB625 20/11/2023 28/11/2023 Amount spent with Mountain Healthcare Ltd to deliver sexual assault referral centre services

ICB625 response letter here.

ICB626 20/11/2023 22/11/2023 Home care agencies using home care management software ICB626 response letter here.
ICB627 17/11/2023 05/12/2023 Managers employed and number fired for gross misconduct

ICB627 response letter here.

ICB628 20/11/2023 05/12/2023 Travel

ICB628 response letter here.

ICB629 20/11/2023 28/11/2023 Optometry

ICB629 response letter here.

ICB630 21/11/2023 23/11/2023 Digital strategies

ICB630 response letter here.

ICB631 22/11/2023 22/11/2023 MH services – placement cost per year

ICB631 response letter here.

ICB632 22/11/2023 05/12/2023 Improving medication compliance and adherence

ICB632 response letter here.

ICB633 23/11/2023 18/12/2023 Spend on translation

ICB633 response letter here.

ICB634 23/11/2023 13/12/2023 ICS referral management

Request closed as clarification not received.

ICB635 23/11/2023 14/12/2023 Community cardiology contracts

ICB635 response letter here.

ICB636 23/11/2023 06/12/2023 MRI machines

ICB636 response letter here.

ICB367 24/11/2023 13/12/2023 How the ICB commissions children’s palliative care for children and young people with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions

ICB637 response letter here.

ICB638 24/11/2023 23/11/2023 Virtual wards, beds & patient transport

ICB638 response letter here.

ICB639 24/11/2023 08/12/2023 List of GP practices & emails

ICB639 response letter here.

ICB640 27/11/2023 21/12/2023 Amount spent on private treatment

ICB640 response letter here.

ICB641 27/11/2023 18/12/2023 Amount spent on translation and interpreting

ICB641 response letter here.

ICB642 27/11/2023 22/12/2023 Amount spent on taxis.

ICB642 response letter here.

ICB643 27/11/2023 05/12/2023 Amount owed by overseas patients

ICB643 response letter here.

ICB644 27/11/2023 15/12/2023 A&E ambulances virtual beds and specialist MH vehicles

ICB644 response letter here.

ICB645 27/11/2023 06/12/2023 Discharge/transfer of care hubs

ICB645 response letter here.

ICB646 28/11/2023 28/11/2023 Staffing outside the UK

ICB646 response letter here.

ICB647 28/11/2023 22/12/2023 CHC

ICB647 response letter here.

ICB648 28/11/2023 15/12/2023 Budget to address health inequalities

ICB648 response letter here.

ICB649 29/11/2023 07/12/2023 PCN services & data sharing agreements

ICB649 response letter here.

ICB650 29/11/2023 28/11/2023 Private providers for IVF

ICB650 response letter here.

ICB651 29/11/2023 01/12/2023 PCN services & data sharing agreements

ICB651 response letter here.



First Working Day

Date Completed Information Requested Response
ICB557 02/10/2023 19/10/2023 Referral pathway for Gastroenterology and Direct Access Endoscopy

ICB557 response letter here.

ICB558 03/10/2023 03/10/2023 Complaints made against physician associates

ICB558 response letter here.

ICB559 04/10/2023 17/10/2023 Financial Data

ICB559 response letter here.

If you require a copy of the attachment, please contact necsu.icbfoi@nhs.net

ICB560 04/10/2023 25/10/2023 Integrated Musculoskeletal (MSK) Service for NHS Newcastle Gateshead

ICB560 response letter here.

ICB560 disclosure log file note here.

ICB561 04/10/2023 24/11/2023 All contract(s) issued by the CCG/ICB to Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QE) (Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust) for the provision of primary care services

ICB561 response letter here.

If you require a copy of the attachments, please contact necsu.icbfoi@nhs.net

ICB562 06/10/2023 24/10/2023 Devices deployed by your organisation

ICB562 response letter here.

ICB562 disclosure log file note here.

ICB563 05/10/2023 13/10/2023 Locked rehabilitation placements for adults with all mental health diagnosis ICB563 response letter here.
ICB564 06/10/2023 05/10/2023 Insomnia & Treatment Pathways

ICB564 response letter here.

ICB565 06/10/2023 10/10/2023 Guidelines for human growth hormone ICB565 response letter here.
ICB566 03/10/2023 27/10/2023 CHC Assessments

ICB566 response letter here.

ICB567 06/10/2023


Maternity and neonatal services

ICB567 response letter here.

ICB568 09/10/2023 01/11/2023 Pain services

ICB568 response letter here.

ICB569 11/10/2023 18/10/2023 Treatment of lymphoedema, chronic oedema and wound care ICB569 response letter here.
ICB570 11/10/2023 23/10/2023 CHC Assessments

ICB570 response letter here.

ICB571 11/10/2023 10/10/2023 Fertility Clinical Commissioning Policy

ICB571 response letter here.

Value based commissioning policy here.

ICB572 12/10/2023 12/10/2023 Antenatal Classes

ICB572 response letter here.

ICB573 16/10/2023 17/10/2023 Organisation chart

ICB573 response letter here.

ICB574 17/10/2023 17/10/2023 Insomnia Guidelines ICB574 response letter here.
ICB575 18/10/2023 19/10/2023 Treatment for the diagnosis of pectus excavatum

ICB575 response letter here.

ICB576 18/10/2023 27/10/2023 Contracts with private hospitals to provide surgeries and tests to NHS patients

ICB576 response letter here.

ICB577 19/10/2023 24/10/2023 Contact information for Meds Optimisation staff

ICB577 response letter here.

ICB578 19/10/2023 24/10/2023 IVF provision

ICB578 response letter here.

ICB578 disclosure log file note here.

ICB5579 19/10/2023 07/11/2023 Budget spent on mental health capacity in the private sector

ICB579 response letter here.

ICB580 19/10/2023 24/10/2023 Energy Commitments

ICB580 response letter here.

ICB581 23/10/2023 07/11/2023 Referral Management for Ophthalmology

ICB581 response letter here.

ICB582 23/10/2023 27/10/2023 Digital transformation needs

ICB582 response letter here.

ICB583 23/10/2023 13/11/2023 Staff banding by gender and ethnicity ICB583 response letter here.
ICB584 24/10/2023 17/11/2023 Continuing Healthcare (CHC) Fee Uplift

ICB584 response letter here.

If you require a copy of the attachment, please contact necsu.icbfoi@nhs.net

ICB585 26/10/2023 27/11/2023 CICB information and minutes/plans/PIDS relating to proposed new Felton surgery

ICB585 response letter here.

Northumberland health sub-contracting decision here.

Mandatory terms regarding sub-contracting here.

Assurance checklist here.

ICB586 27/10/2023 09/11/2023 Lung Health Screening

ICB586 response letter here.

ICB587 27/10/2023 27/10/2023 GP Practice numbers and numbers of patients registered

ICB587 response letter here.

ICB588 27/10/2023 27/10/2023 Provision of continence pads for disabled children

ICB588 response letter here.

ICB589 30/10/2023 23/11/2023 Care provided in a patient's home in relation to CHC

ICB589 response letter here.

ICB590 31/10/2023 02/11/2023 Toothache Hospital Admissions ICB590 response letter here.
ICB591 31/10/2023 24/11/2023 NHS staffing expenditure in your ICB/ICS area in Occupational Health and Occupational Health and Wellbeing

ICB591 response letter here.

ICB592 31/10/2023 27/11/2023 Social Media Management and Listening

ICB592 response letter here.


First Working Day

Date Completed Information Requested Response
ICB516 04/09/2023 15/09/2023 Shared care agreements in general practice

ICB516 response letter here.

If you require a copy of the attachments, please contact necsu.icbfoi@nhs.net

ICB517 04/09/2023 25/09/2023 Private Hospitals & Clinics vs NHS Hospitals and Clinics Referrals

ICB517 response letter here.

If you require a copy of the attachments, please contact necsu.icbfoi@nhs.net

ICB518 06/09/2023 18/09/2023 Community Disability Equipment ICB518 response letter here.
ICB519 06/09/2023 07/09/2023 Contract info on shared care records & other contract solutions

ICB519 response letter here.

ICB520 07/09/2023 12/09/2023 Weight management services

ICB520 response letter here.

ICB521 08/09/2023 19/09/2023 GP practice general and IT information

ICB521 response letter here.

ICB522 08/09/2023 11/09/2023 NHS Patient Treatment Budget ICB522 response letter here.
ICB523 08/09/2023 28/09/2023 Practice managers

ICB523 response letter here.

ICB524 11/09/2023 27/09/2023 Long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) ICB524 response letter here.
ICB525 11/09/2023 27/09/2023 Policies regarding pharmaceutical nurses contacting patients

ICB525 response letter here.

Commercial sponsorship policy here.

ICB526 11/09/2023


Assisted discharge

ICB526 response letter here.

ICB527 11/09/2023 03/10/2023 IVF courses, pulse PCN

ICB527 response letter here.

ICB528 11/09/2023 12/09/2023 Waiting times ICB528 response letter here.
ICB529 13/09/2023 29/09/2023 Fertility treatment for single people

ICB529 response letter here.

ICB530 13/09/2023 12/09/2023 Bariatric surgery

ICB530 response letter here.

NENC ICB Value Based Commissioning Policy here.

ICB531 13/09/2023 20/09/2023 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

ICB531 response letter here.

ICB532 14/09/2023 04/10/2023 Tier 3 obesity care provision

ICB532 response letter here.

ICB533 14/09/2023 20/09/2023 Digital Social Care Record and/or a Shared Care Record ICB333 response letter here.
ICB534 14/09/2023 13/10/2023 Regional patient flow, regional bed capacity

ICB334 response letter here.

ICB535 18/09/2023 20/09/2023 A list of all the PCN Clinical Directors (and their email addresses)

ICB335 response letter here.

If you require a copy of the attachments, please contact necsu.icbfoi@nhs.net

ICB536 18/09/2023 03/10/2023 Transactions over £25,000

ICB536 response letter here.

If you require a copy of the attachments, please contact necsu.icbfoi@nhs.net

ICB537 18/09/2023 03/10/2023 RAAC/GP practices

ICB537 response letter here.

ICB538 17/08/2023 19/09/2023 Breakdown of time estimated and activities for that time in the communication from Ms Coxon relating to a SAR

ICB538 response letter here.

ICB539 19/09/2023 16/10/2023 Faecal calprotectin tests

ICB539 response letter here.

ICB539 attachments here.

ICB540 19/09/2023 19/09/2023 Sickness absence

ICB540 response letter here.

ICB541 20/09/2023 20/09/2023 Web filtering/proxy solution expiry

ICB541 response letter here.

ICB542 20/09/2023 17/10/2023 Eye-care spending ICB542 response letter here.
ICB543 20/09/2023 13/10/2023 Spirometry services ICB543 response letter here.
ICB544 21/09/2023 21/09/2023 Diabetes screening solutions

ICB544 response letter here.

ICB545 22/09/2023 17/10/2023 Finance committee paper

ICB545 response letter here.

Elective recovery funding approach 2023/24 here

ICB546 22/09/2023 19/10/2023 Children and Young Peoples continuing care

ICB546 response letter here.

ICB546 disclosure log file note here.

ICB547 22/09/2023 26/09/2023 Declared incidents

ICB547 response letter here.

ICB548 22/09/2023 11/10/2023 Staff hired in a diversity, equity or inclusion role

ICB548 response letter here.

ICB549 22/09/2023 10/10/2023 Neurology services ICB549 response letter here.
ICB550 25/09/2023 11/10/2023 Services for people with Parkinson's

ICB550 response letter here.

ICB551 26/09/2023 27/09/2023 Acetic acid

ICB551 response letter here.

ICB552 27/09/2023 24/10/2023 ICB travel to London & Leeds

ICB552 response letter here.

ICB552 response here.

ICB553 27/09/2023 24/10/2023 Gynaecology services

ICB553 response letter here.



24/09/2023 FOI request for CICB information and minutes/plans/PIDS relating to Proposed new Felton surgery

ICB554 response letter here.

ICB554 redacted minutes here.

ICB555 29/09/2023 29/09/2023 Staff accessing medical records

ICB555 response letter here.

ICB556 29/09/2023 12/10/2023 Dental surgeries providing NHS services

ICB556 response letter here.


First Working Day

Date Completed Information Requested Response
ICB476 01/08/2023 10/08/2023 Non-Emergency Transport Service (NEPTS) contract

ICB476 response letter - North Cumbria place here.

ICB476 response letter - all other ICB places here.

ICB477 01/08/2023 09/08/2023 Technology-enabled virtual wards remote monitoring services contract(s) ICB477 response letter here.
ICB478 02/08/2023 22/08/2023 Memory & brain health clinics and services ICB478 response letter here.
ICB479 03/08/2023 15/08/2023 Tics and Tourette's services

ICB479 response letter here.

ICB480 04/08/2023 17/08/2023 Ear wax removal services

ICB480 response letter here.

If you require a copy of the attachments, contact necsu.icbfoi@nhs.net

ICB481 04/08/2023 17/08/2023 Meeting arrangements for central and north ICP meetings

ICB481 response letter here.

ICB482 07/08/2023 07/08/2023 Primary Care rebate schemes ICB482 response letter here.
ICB483 07/08/2023 30/08/2023 Consulting expenditure

ICB483 response letter here.

ICB483 disclosure log file note here.

ICB484 04/08/2023 23/08/2023 GP practice closures 2022 ICB484 response letter here.
ICB485 07/08/2023 N/A Referrals to private hospitals Closed as clarification not received.
ICB486 09/08/2023 22/08/2023 Person with the job title/responsibility for certain posts

ICB486 response letter here.

ICB487 09/08/2023 22/08/2023 Managers/commissioners/heads of service contact details for hospital discharge/integrated discharge services

ICB487 response letter here.

ICB488 08/08/2023 08/08/2023 A&E dental issues ICB488 response letter here.
ICB489 09/08/2023 06/09/2023 Prosthetic and orthotic services

ICB489 response letter here.

If you require a copy of the attachments, contact necsu.icbfoi@nhs.net

ICB490 11/08/2023 23/08/2023 Region-wide patient portal

ICB490 response letter here.

ICB491 14/08/2023 15/08/2023 Name and contact details for ICB staff

ICB491 response letter here.

ICB492 02/08/2023 17/08/2023 List of pharmacies that have merged in the North East region in the last 5 years

ICB492 response letter here.

ICB492 consolidated pharmacies here.

ICB493 15/08/2023 16/08/2023 Name and contact details of Moving and Handling Lead ICB493 response letter here.
ICB494 17/08/2023 24/08/2023 Patient arrival screens

ICB494 response letter here.

ICB495 17/08/2023 22/08/2023 Procurement organisation chart

ICB495 response letter here.

ICB496 18/08/2023 01/09/2023 Breakdown of stationery and purchases of A4 paper, supplier and costs for each order ICB496 response letter here.
ICB497 18/08/2023 18/08/2023 NEAS patient transport jobs to/from South Tees Foundation Trust

ICB497 response letter here.

ICB498 21/08/2023 25/08/2023 OCD recorded information

ICB498 response letter here.

ICB499 21/08/2023 07/09/2023 Primary Care rebated schemes

ICB499 response letter here.

Primary care rebate schemes for medicines here.

ICB500 21/08/2023 12/09/2023 Management of patient flow

ICB500 response letter here.

ICB501 21/08/2023 04/09/2023 Right to Choose - accessing contract for ADHD

ICB501 response letter here.

ICB502 21/08/2023 22/08/2023 Fertility preservation treatment for transgender patients ICB502 response letter here.
ICB503 22/08/2023 23/08/2023 ICB Directors contact details ICB503 response letter here.
ICB504 23/08/2023 30/08/2023 Supported Living - MH, LD and ASD - August 2023 - ICBs and health boards

ICB504 response letter here.

ICB505 23/08/2023 07/09/2023 End date for talking therapies contract

ICB505 response letter here.

ICB506 23/08/2023 11/09/2023 Tobacco dependence treatment programme in maternity, mental health inpatient and acute inpatient

ICB506 response letter here.

ICB506 response here.

ICB507 24/08/2023 19/09/2023 New primary care centres

ICB507 response letter here.

ICB507 disclosure log note here.

ICB508 24/08/2023 01/09/2023 Digital infrastructure

ICB508 response letter here.

ICB509 24/08/2023 - Companies commissioned at each trust for walk in centres, urgent care centres and 111 services Clarification not received so the request was closed down.
ICB510 24/08/2023 18/09/2023 Public and private meeting minutes of the ICB relating to the failure of the previous Lindisfarne novel partnership arrangement and this new NPC legal arrangement

ICB510 response letter here.

If you require a copy of the attachments, contact necsu.icbfoi@nhs.net

ICB511 24/08/2023 01/09/2023 Private healthcare budgets and their managers

ICB511 response letter here.

ICB512 29/08/2023 29/08/2023 Leaflet on infant (new born) plastibell circumcision for religious cultural reasons

ICB512 response letter here.

Circumcision policy here.

ICB513 29/08/2023 12/09/2023 Number of individuals treated for obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

ICB513 response letter here.



11/09/2023 Primary care rebate for Clexane Enoxaparin

ICB514 response letter here.

ICB515 31/08/2023 30/08/2023 Primary care rebate for Clexane Enoxaparin

ICB515 response letter here.


First Working Day

Date Completed Information Requested Response
ICB441 04/07/2023 06/07/2023 Guidelines and criteria for breast reduction surgeries

ICB441 response letter here.

ICB442 04/07/2023 18/07/2023 Mental Health Lead ICB442 response letter here.
ICB443 05/07/2023 04/05/2023 Patient Treatment Options for inherited cardiac conditions ICB443 response letter here.
ICB444 06/07/2023 10/07/2023 Online contraception

ICB444 response letter here.

ICB445 06/07/2023 24/07/2023 NHS Standard Contract for Termination of Pregnancy ICB445 response letter here.
ICB446 06/07/2023 27/07/2023 A&E departments which have been downgraded or shut down since 2010

ICB446 response letter here.

If you require a copy of the attachment, contact necsu.icbfoi@nhs.net

ICB447 06/07/2023 06/07/2023 Number of patients prescribed anti-depressants ICB447 response letter here.
ICB448 06/07/2023 10/07/2023 Patient Transport Journeys ICB448 response letter here.
ICB449 07/07/2023 18/07/2023 Neurodevelopmental Commissioning ICB449 response letter here.
ICB450 11/07/2023 11/07/2023 Pulmonary Rehab & Talking Therapy Service ICB450 response letter here.
ICB451 10/07/2023 31/07/2023 Pregnancy and miscarriage

ICB451 response letter here.

ICB452 11/07/2023 13/07/2023 Number of cancers detected

ICB452 response letter here.

ICB453 12/07/2023 02/08/2023 Contracts running currently with Circle Health Group ICB453 response letter here.
ICB454 13/07/2023 20/07/2023 BACPR course qualification Closed off as clarification not received
ICB455 13/07/2023 07/08/2023 which GP practices within your region are still using analogue telephony systems ICB455 response letter here.
ICB456 13/07/2023 26/07/2023 Hotel accommodation for patients

ICB456 response letter here.

ICB457 14/07/2023 27/07/2023 Wheelchair Services ICB457 response letter here.
ICB458 14/07/2023 08/08/2023 Copies of all communication re maturity matrix for NW N Tyneside PCN 2022-23 ICB458 response letter here.
ICB459 17/07/2023 08/08/2023 Adult & CYP ADHD Services

ICB459 response letter here.

If you require copies of the attachments, contact necsu.icbfoi@nhs.net

ICB460 18/07/2023 18/07/2023 Neurology Workforce

ICB460 response letter here.

ICB461 17/07/2023 28/07/2023 GP Practice List Closures ICB461 response letter here.
ICB462 19/07/2023 19/07/2023 Commissioning policies

ICB462 response letter here.

ICB463 19/07/2023 07/08/2023 Community Services

ICB463 response letter here.

ICB463 Disclosure Log file note here.

ICB464 20/07/2023 10/08/2023 Primary Care Leads in ICBs ICB464 response letter here.
ICB465 20/07/2023 02/08/2023  

ICB465 response letter here.

ICB466 21/07/2023 26/07/2023 Data Infrastructure & BI Tool

ICB466 response letter here.

ICB467 21/07/2023 08/08/2023 Communications re. dates of deployment for System One ICB467 response letter here.
ICB468 24/07/2023 17/08/2023 Provider collaboratives within the ICB ICB468 response letter here.
ICB469 24/07/2023 07/08/2023 Homeless services

ICB469 response letter here.

Newcastle LES homeless service here.

ICB470 24/07/2023 01/08/2023 Tattoo Removal

ICB470 response letter here.

NENC ICB Value Based Commissioning policy here.

ICB471 25/07/2023 25/07/2023 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Duplicate request – see FOI 443

ICB472 27/07/2023 23/08/2023 Funded Healthcare

ICB472 response letter here.

ICB472 Disclosure Log file note here.

ICB473 26/07/2023 02/08/2023 Bariatric surgery, Tier 3, Tier 4 weight management services

ICB473 response letter here.

NENC ICB Value Based Commissioning policy here.

ICB474 27/06/2023 08/08/2023 Virtual wards and virtual beds ICB474 response letter here.
ICB475 27/07/2023 17/08/2023 Patient experience at board level ICB475 response letter here.


First Working Day

Date Completed Information Requested Response
ICB383 26/06/2023 06/07/2023 Medication Inclisian

ICB383 response letter here.

Disclosure log file note here.

ICB392 02/06/2023 01/06/2023 Good Governance Institute ICB392 response letter here.
ICB393 02/06/2023 05/06/2023 Non-clinical staff - Agency spend 2022/23 ICB3593 response letter here.
ICB394 02/06/2023 02/06/2023 IVF women who meet criteria but don't have a uterus

ICB3594 response letter here.

Value Based Commissioning policy here.

ICB395 01/06/2023 16/06/2023 UTC, GP OOH, 111 and CAS providers in NENC ICS ICB3595 response letter here.
ICB396 02/06/2023 30/06/2023 Learning disability ICB396 response letter here.
ICB397 05/06/2023 22/06/2023 Implantable Cardiac Monitoring ICB397 response letter here.
ICB398 05/06/2023 16/06/2023 Adults prescribed medicines associated with dependence or withdrawal symptoms ICB398 response letter here.
ICB399 05/06/2023 07/06/2023 GP surgeries: No. of patients, closures & mergers ICB399 response letter here.
ICB400 08/06/2023 16/06/2023 Patients admitted to your hospitals with the following SNOMED codes ICB400 response letter here.
ICB401 09/06/2023 08/06/2023 Breast Cancer screening and diagnosis

ICB401 response letter here.

ICB402 09/06/2023 04/07/2023 Hospice Services – Palliative & End of Life Care

ICB402 response letter here.

ICB403 09/06/2023 20/06/2023 Language Services ICB403 response letter here.
ICB404 09/06/2023 08/06/2023 GP practice closures 2022 ICB404 response letter here.
ICB405 12/06/2023 30/06/2023 Locally enhanced services – Pulse PCN ICB405 response letter here.
ICB406 13/06/2023 15/06/2023 Job Description and Person Specification

ICB406 response letter here.

Job description for Director of Transformation here.

ICB407 13/06/2023 04/07/2023 Current service providers and contract expiry for multiple services ICB407 response letter here.
ICB408 13/06/2023 04/07/2023 ICB’s plans for LGBTQ+ IVF treatments ICB408 response letter here.
ICB409 14/06/2023 03/07/2023 Funding from NHS England re new models of care

ICB409 response letter here.

If you require any of the attachments, please contact necsu.icbfoi@nhs.net

ICB410 14/06/2023 23/06/2023 Surgical hubs

ICB410 response letter here.

ICB411 12/06/2023 05/07/2023 List of PCN's, GP Practices, contact details etc ICB411 response letter here.
ICB412 14/06/2023 20/06/2023 Children’s' Palliative Care Services

ICB412 response letter here.

NHS standard contract for Paediatric medicine: palliative care here.

Service specification here.

ICB413 15/06/2023 23/06/2023 GPS providing Menopause services ICB413 response letter here.
ICB414 15/06/2023 15/06/2023 Finance department structure chart ICB414 response letter here.
ICB415 16/06/2023 06/07/2023 Workforce Solutions for the ICB

ICB415 response letter here.

Place plan for the people directorate here.

ICB416 19/06/2023 05/07/2023 Mandatory Training

ICB416 response letter here.

ICB417 20/06/2023 20/06/2023 Insourcing Implementation Applicant redirected as request not made to NENC ICB
ICB418 20/06/2023 30/05/2023 Public Contracts Regulations and the Procurement, Patient Choice and Competition Regulations (PPCCR) regime ICB418 response letter here.
ICB419 20/06/2023 20/06/2023 Menopause Services ICB419 response letter here.
ICB420 20/06/2023 23/06/2023 e job and workforce planning ICB420 response letter here.
ICB421 20/06/2023 14/07/2023 IAPT Services

ICB421 response letter here.

If you require any of the attachments, please contact necsu.icbfoi@nhs.net

ICB422 21/06/2023 23/06/2023 Bank Workers ICB422 response letter here.
ICB423 21/06/2023 14/07/2023 NHS trade invoices which would feed into the Regulation 113 Notice

ICB423 response letter here.

Disclosure log file note here.

ICB424 21/06/2023 20/06/2023 Trusts that have utilised InSourcing ICB424 response letter here.
ICB425 21/06/2023 12/07/2023 Menopause Guidelines ICB425 response letter here.
ICB426 21/06/2023 30/06/2023 Funding of section 117 packages of care ICB426 response letter here.
ICB427 22/06/2023 23/06/2023 Bank Workers Pay

ICB427 response letter here.

ICB428 23/06/2023 18/07/2023 Elective Services

ICB428 response letter here.

ICB429 23/06/2023 17/07/2023 Outsourced and insourced procedures ICB429 response letter here.
ICB430 23/06/2023 17/07/2023 Outsourced and insourced procedures ICB430 response letter here.
ICB431 23/06/2023 12/07/2023 Outsourced and insourced procedures

ICB431 response letter here.

ICB432 27/06/2023 05/07/2023 IFR Relating to Body Contouring Surgery ICB432 response letter here.
ICB433 28/06/2023 30/06/2023 GP partners in Felton and/or in Northumberland Health

ICB433 response letter here.

ICB434 29/06/2023 10/07/2023 Name/email address for specific posts

ICB434 response letter here.

ICB435 29/06/2023 20/07/2023 The review process for the patient pathways and booking procedures used by CDC

ICB435 response letter here.

ICB436 30/06/2023 24/07/2023 ICB spending LDA

ICB436 response letter here.

ICB437 30/06/2023 10/07/2023 Services / pathways / arrangements for screening YP with higher risk of MH

ICB437 response letter here.

ICB438 30/06/2023 27/07/2023 Specialist Tier 3 Weight Management Service

ICB438 response letter here.

ICB439 03/07/2023 12/07/2023 Copy of contract with procurement ref NEPPS15-07-012

ICB439 response letter here.

ICB440 03/07/2023 21/07/2023 List of suppliers to the ICB

ICB440 response letter here.

List of provider contacts here.


First Working Day

Date Completed Information Requested Response
ICB349 02/05/2023 25/05/2023 Staff numbers & costs for 22/23

ICB349 response letter here.

ICB350 03/05/2023 22/05/2023 Medication Inclisian ICB350 response letter here.
ICB351 02/05/2023 02/05/2023 How many individuals had a CACNA1C gene change as a result of genetic testing ICB351 response letter here.
ICB352 03/05/2023 01/06/2023 Spend on young people with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions ICB352 response letter here.
ICB353 03/05/2023 22/05/2023 Excess and unnecessary Health Care Resource Utilization (HCRU) ICB353 response letter here.
ICB354 04/05/2023 26/05/2023 Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) Providers in NENC ICS ICB354 response letter here.
ICB355 04/05/2023 19/05/2023 Policy for Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) ICB355 response letter here.
ICB356 04/05/2023 02/06/2023 ICB's contracts ICB356 response letter here.
ICB357 04/05/2023 31/05/2023 ADHD and ASD services ICB357 response letter here.
ICB358 05/05/2023 17/05/2023 Audiology Services with AQP contracts ICB358 response letter here.
ICB359 05/05/2023 23/05/2023 Minutes of meeting between Felton Surgery and the then Northumberland CCG now ICB between Sept 2020 and April 2021

ICB359 response letter here.

Disclosure log file note here.

ICB360 05/05/2023 05/06/2023 2023/2024 Capital Resource Plan for NHS North East and North Cumbria ICB

ICB360 response letter here.

23-24 Joint Capital resource use plan here.

ICB361 05/05/2023 05/05/2023 Patients in a CAMHS tier 4 inpatient setting ICB361 response letter here.
ICB362 05/05/2023 05/05/2023 Gender Identity Training ICB362 response letter here.
ICB363 05/05/2023 22/05/2023 Progress on building of a new surgery in Felton Northumberland ICB363 response letter here.
ICB364 05/05/2023 02/06/2023 Diagnostic Centres ICB364 response letter here.
ICB365 10/05/2023 10/05/2023 CHC re Maple Lodge Care Home Request closed off as information obtained outside of FOI.
ICB366 10/05/2023 09/05/2023 Prices paid for homecare services ICB366 response letter here.
ICB367 12/05/2023 26/05/2023 CAMHS/CYPMHS ASD waiting times ICB367 response letter here.
ICB368 15/05/2023 26/05/2023 Pharmaceutical Representative Request Form

ICB368 response letter here.

Company request form here.

ICB369 15/05/2023 23/05/2023 Enfit Syringes for administration of medicines via enteral feeds ICB369 response letter here.
ICB370 15/05/2023 25/05/2023 Dementia contracts ICB370 response letter here.
ICB371 15/05/2023 30/05/2023 NHS staff mental health and wellbeing hub ICB371 response letter here.
ICB372 15/05/2023 19/05/2023 Tenders for engaging software as a service ICB372 response letter here.
ICB373 16/05/2023 30/05/2023 Commissioning pressure on ICSs in relation to spirometry tests ICB373 response letter here.
ICB374 16/05/2023 02/06/2023 Pathways for the detection and management of liver disease in primary care

ICB374 response letter here.

ICB374 disclosure log file note here.

ICB375 16/05/2023 02/06/2023 Fixed term Staff and Non-Clinical staff Frameworks ICB375 response letter here.
ICB376 17/05/2023 30/05/2023 ICT Key Contacts ICB376 response letter here.
ICB377 18/05/2023 06/06/2023 Mental Health Board Members ICB377 response letter here.
ICB378 18/05/2023 02/06/2023 Electronic pathways and access - Optometry ICB378 response letter here.
ICB379 18/05/2023 01/06/2023 Test referral volumes - Pathology Labs ICB379 response letter here.
ICB380 22/05/2023 06/06/2023 Obesity Treatment Pathway ICB380 response letter here.
ICB381 22/05/2023 22/05/2023 People detained under the Mental Health Act ICB381 response letter here.
ICB382 23/05/2023 06/06/2023 Antidepressant prescribing ICB382 response letter here.
ICB383     See June 2023 Disclosure Log  
ICB384 24/05/2023 26/05/2023 Prosthetic Centre Manager for the NHS England Commissioned Prosthetic service under Specialist Commissioning:  ICB384 response letter here.
ICB385 24/05/2023 06/06/2023 Legacy contracts from the CCGs with the ICB

ICB385 response letter here.

ICB385 disclosure log file note here.

ICB386 24/05/2023 16/06/2023 GP practices within your authority with PM email addresses

ICB386 response letter here.

ICB386 disclosure log file note here.

ICB387 25/05/2023 09/06/2023 CHC ICB387 response letter here.
ICB388 26/05/2023 30/05/2023 Diagnostic Centres ICB388 response letter here.
ICB389 26/05/2023 14/06/2023 Specialised Commissioning and Joint Committees

ICB389 response letter here.

Joint Committee Terms of Reference here.

ICB390 31/05/2023 16/06/2023 Fertility preservation for transgender patients ICB390 response letter here.
ICB391 31/05/2023 01/06/2023 Fertility Treatments Policy

ICB391 response letter here.

Value Based Commissioning Committee Policy here.

Reference First working day

Date completed

Information requested Response



Standard NHS Continuing Healthcare

ICB304 response letter here.

ICB305 04/04/2023 19./04/2023 Blood glucose monitoring ICB305 response letter here.
ICB306 04/04/2023 20/04/2023 ADHD screening

ICB306 response letter here.

ICB307 05/04/2023 20/04/2023 All GP practices within the ICB

ICB307 response letter here.

ICB308 05/04/2023 06/04/2023 Integrated Care System staff contact info

ICB308 response letter here.

ICB309 05/04/2023 20/04/2023 Medicines management and vitamin D guidance

ICB309 response letter here.

ICB310 05/04/2023


ASD Assessment / Diagnoses

ICB310 response letter here.

ICB311 06/04/2023


CYP Mental Health service

ICB311 response letter here.

ICB312 06/04/2023


Staff Safety

ICB312 response letter here.

ICB313 05/04/2023


ADHD Contracts & Providers

ICB313 response letter here.

ICB314 06/04/2023


Requirement to tender waived

ICB314 response letter here.

ICB315 06/04/2023


ICB Joint Forward Plan

ICB315 response letter here.

ICB316 11/04/2023


CHC payments made to Older Person’s ASC

ICB316 response letter here.

ICB317 11/04/2023


ARRS spend in PCNs

ICB317 response letter here.

ICB318 12/04/2023


PICU services

ICB318 response letter here.

ICB319 12/04/2023


Treatment or policies for Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

ICB319 response letter here.

ICB320 13/04/2023


Disabled children’s occupational therapy (OT) services

ICB320 response letter here.

ICB321 14/04/2023


Population health management contact

ICB321 response letter here.

ICB322 14/04/2023


GP practices that use Lloyd George paper records

ICB322 response letter here.

ICB323 14/04/2023


Special allocation scheme for violent patients

ICB323 response letter here.

ICB324 17/04/2023


Member of your ICB executive team responsible for mental health and maternal mental health

ICB324 response letter here.

ICB325 17/04/2023


Investment prioritisation within acute services

ICB325 response letter here.

ICB326 18/04/2023


ADHD services

ICB326 response letter here.

ICB327 17/04/2023


Rebates that have been signed

No response to clarification request.

ICB328 18/04/2023


Staff Contacts for Respiratory Conditions

ICB328 response letter here.

ICB329 18/04/2023


Clinical leads and key contact emails for the PCNs

ICB329 response letter here.

County Durham PCNs here.

Gateshead PCNs here.

Newcastle PCNs here.

North Cumbria PCNs here.

North Tyneside PCNs here.

Northumberland PCNs here.

South Tyneside PCNs here.

Sunderland PCNs here.

Tees Valley PCNs here.

ICB330 19/04/2023


Drug overdose and blood clot related deaths

ICB330 response letter here.

ICB331 19/04/2023


Medication Inclisian

ICB331 response letter here.

ICB332 19/04/2023


Cataract Surgery Spend

ICB332 response letter here.

ICB333 20/04/2023


CHC assessments

ICB333 response letter here.

ICB334 20/04/2023


ADHD assessment and treatment

ICB334 response letter here.

ICB335 20/04/2023


GP retention scheme spending

ICB335 response letter here.

Disclosure log file here.

ICB336 21/04/2023


Digital Services

ICB336 response letter here.

ICB337 21/04/2023


Contact information for each NHS Trust Staff

ICB337 response letter here.

ICB338 21/04/2023


ICB staff with responsibility for rehabilitation

ICB338 response letter here.

ICB339 24/04/2023


Continence Provision

ICB339 response letter here.

ICB340 24/04/2023


Mental Health statistics

ICB340 response letter here.

NECS contract management for ICB here.

South Tyneside here.

Tees Valley and County Durham here.

ICB341 25/04/2023


Medication Inclisian

ICB341 response letter here.

ICB342 24/04/2023


Childrens Mental Health placements

ICB342 response letter here.

ICB343 25/04/2023


MH spend on CAMHS tier 4

ICB343 response letter here.

ICB344 25/04/2023


ICB expenditure on NHS general practice patient communication and triage system suppliers

ICB344 response letter here.

ICB345 25/04/2023


Ophthalmology services

ICB345 response letter here.

ICB346 28/04/2023


Integrated Musculoskeletal (MSK) Service

ICB346 response letter here.

ICB347 28/04/2023


Cataract Services

ICB347 response letter here.

ICB348 28/04/2023


Minutes/policies on best practice re patients accessing best care

ICB348 response letter here.

FOI1348 table here.


Reference First working day

Date completed

Information requested Response



Community Musculoskeletal Services

ICB255 response letter here.

Disclosure log file note here.

ICB256 01/03/2023 17/03/2023 International Recruitment ICB256 response letter here.
ICB257 01/03/2023 28/03/2023 SQG and ICB QSC

ICB257 response letter here.

Disclosure log file note here.

ICB258 02/03/2023 20/03/2023 Neuro and Mental Health

ICB258 response letter here.

ICB259 02/03/2023 21/03/2023 Local Treatment Guidelines for Atopic Dermatitis (Atopic Eczema)

ICB259 response letter here.

Dermatitis pathway here.

ICB260 02/03/2023 03/03/2023 Community diagnostic contracts/frameworks

ICB260 response letter here.

ICB261 03/03/2023


Oral Contraceptive Pill

ICB261 response letter here.

ICB262 06/03/2023


Cumbria Learning and Improvement Collaborative (CLIC)

ICB262 response letter here.

Disclosure log file note here.

ICB263 06/03/2023


Emergency care inequalities data

ICB263 response letter here.

ICB264 06/03/2023


Elective inequalities data

ICB264 response letter here.

ICB265 06/03/2023


Community Dermatology Services

ICB265 response letter here.

ICB266 07/03/2023


Website, Digital accessibility and Website Content

ICB266 response letter here.

ICB267 08/03/2023


Assessment of Strike impact

NENC pre-action assessment question here.

ICB267 response letter here.

ICB268 09/03/2023


Whooping cough vaccinations to pregnant women

ICB268 response letter here.

ICB269 10/03/2023


Procurement of Rheumatology Services

ICB269 response letter here.

ICB270 13/03/2023



ICB270 response letter here.

ICB271 13/03/2023


CHC policies and training

Applicant did not respond to clarification request.

ICB272 13/03/2023


Kidney Disease Pathways

ICB272 response letter here.

ICB273 14/03/2023


Committee Meeting Minutes

ICB273 response letter here.

ICB274 14/03/2023


Out of Hours GP Services

ICB274 response letter here.

ICB275 15/03/2023


Closed GP Surgeries

ICB275 response letter here.

ICB276 15/03/2023


Primary Care Networks

ICB276 response letter here.

Disclosure log file note here.

ICB277 15/03/2023


Process for Subject Access Requests

ICB277 response letter here.

Disclosure log file note here.

ICB278 15/03/2023


Transport ventilators

ICB278 response letter here.

ICB279 16/03/2023


H.Pylori Testing

ICB279 response letter here.

ICB280 16/03/2023


CHC funding

ICB280 response letter here.

ICB281 16/03/2023


GP practice mergers and closures

ICB281 response letter here.

ICB282 20/03/2023


Organisations with contract to provide community services

ICB282 response letter here.

FOI ICB282 Community Contract here.

ICB283 20/03/2023


Data linkage practices

ICB283 response letter here.

ICB284 20/03/2023


Wound dressings Jan '21 – Dec '22

ICB284 response letter here.

ICB285 20/03/2023


Non Emergency Patient Transport

ICB285 response letter here.

ICB286 20/03/2023


Funding of ELM Alliance

ICB286 response letter here.

ICB287 21/03/2023


Impact of inflation on services

ICB287 response letter here.

ICB288 21/03/2023


Trusts spend on framework agreements for nursing

ICB288 response letter here.

ICB289 21/03/2023


Adult Social Care Fees

ICB289 response letter here.

ICB290 22/03/2023


Contact details of Planned Care Manager & Senior Commissioning Manager

ICB290 response letter here.

ICB291 22/03/2023


Private Providers delivering glaucoma services

ICB291 response letter here.

ICB292 23/03/2023


Minutes for Gateshead and South Tyneside LPC at South Tyneside South PCN

ICB292 response letter here.

ICB293 23/03/2023


Waiting lists for Adult and CYP ADHD and ASD referrals

ICB293 response letter here.

ICB294 24/03/2023


Digital communication with patients

ICB294 response letter here.

ICB295 24/03/2023


APMS Contracts

ICB295 response letter here.

ICB296 24/03/2023


Prevent/ Channel Information sharing, DPIA's and process.

ICB296 response letter here.

Tees Valley community safety ISP here.

Safer Sunderland partnership ISP here.

ISA Northumberland here.

Information sharing agreement NT CCG here.

ICB297 28/03/2023


CAMHS/CYPMHS waiting times

ICB297 response letter here.

ICB298 27/03/2023


Re-use of Public Sector Information request

ICB298 response letter here.

ICB299 30/03/2023


Tourette Syndrome services for children and young people

ICB299 response letter here.

ICB300 30/03/2023


Details of Digital Transformation Lead for North East & North Cumbria ICB/ICS

ICB300 response letter here.

ICB301 30/03/2023


Microsuction policies and pathways

ICB301 response letter here.

South Tyneside microsuction pathway here.

ICB302 31/03/2023


200 international nurses brought on board by North Cumbria Integrated Care

ICB302 response letter here.

ICB303 31/03/2023


Sub-ICB locations (SICBLs) FOI email addresses

ICB303 response letter here.


Reference First working day

Date completed

Information requested Response



Primary Care Rebate Schemes within last 3 month ICB219 response letter here.
ICB220 01/02/2023 31/01/2023 Responsible person for Estates/Facilities ICB220 response letter here.
ICB221 01/02/2023 09/02/2023 Out of Hours Providers ICB221 response letter here.
ICB222 02/02/2023 02/02/2023 MHLD and provider relationship contact details and ICB organigram

Request closed.

ICB223 06/02/2023 20/02/2023 Committee Meeting Minutes at South Tyneside East PCN

ICB223 response letter here.

ICB224 09/02/2023 07/03/2023 Data Systems

ICB224 response letter here.

ICB225 10/02/2023


Telephony & Storage

ICB225 response letter here.

ICB226 10/02/2023


Risk Stratification

ICB226 response letter here.

ICB227 23/01/2023


Review of VBC policy as outlined by Women's Health Strategy

ICB227 response letter here.

ICB228 13/02/2023


Memory Assessment Waiting Times

ICB228 response letter here.

ICB229 13/02/2023


Coil Wait Times

ICB229 response letter here.

ICB230 13/02/2023


Whether Sativex is currently on your medicines formulary

ICB230 response letter here.

ICB231 14/02/2023


Connectivity and Network Services

ICB231 response letter here.

ICB232 13/02/2023


CHC Neurological and MH placement fees and budgets

ICB232 response letter here.

ICB233 14/02/2023


Number of people without a fixed abode discharged from hospital

ICB233 response letter here.

ICB234 15/02/2023


Framework agreements spending

ICB234 response letter here.

Disclosure log file note here.

ICB235 16/02/2023


ICS organisational structure and systems

ICB235 response letter here.

ICB236 16/02/2023


Females who have a confirmed or suspected gynaecological condition

ICB236 response letter here.

ICB237 16/02/2023


Live-in care packages

ICB237 response letter here.

ICB238 16/02/2023


Fertility Policy

ICB238 response letter here.

Value Based Commissioning Policy May 2022 here.

ICB239 16/02/2023


Tier 3 and Tier 4 weight management services

ICB239 response letter here.

ICB240 17/02/2023


Name/email address for specific posts

ICB240 response letter here.

ICB241 17/02/2023


List of all PCNs in in your ICB and the Clinical Director in charge

ICB241 response letter here.

ICB242 17/02/2023


Structure chart for finance

ICB242 response letter here.

ICB243 17/02/2023


CICB information and minutes/plans/PIDS relating to Proposed new Felton surgery

ICB243 response letter here.

ICB244 21/02/2023


Providers commissioned for services

ICB244 response letter here.

ICB245 21/02/2023


Impact of strike action on acute, community and MH trusts

ICB245 response letter here.

ICB246 21/02/2023


List of Asthma clinics

ICB246 response letter here.

ICB247 21/02/2023


Aciclover Agepha eye ointment 3%

ICB247 response letter here.

ICB248 23/02/2023


Tier 3 Weight Management, North Cumbria

ICB248 response letter here.

ICB249 23/02/2023


Funding split for Joint Packages of Care

ICB249 response letter here.

ICB250 24/02/2023


New Medical Centre, Beaumont Park Medical Group

ICB250 response letter here.

ICB251 28/02/2023


STP capital projects funding

ICB251 response letter here.

ICB252 28/02/2023


Wheelchair Service

ICB252 response letter here.

ICB253 17/02/2023


Online and/or video digital consultation platforms

ICB253 response letter here.

ICB254 28/02/2023


Migraine Care and Planning

ICB254 response letter here.


Reference First working day

Date completed

Information requested Response



Use of teleradiology services ICB181 response letter here.
ICB182 05/01/2023 21/01/2023 Mental Health Support Teams ICB182 response letter here.
ICB183 06/01/2023 01/02/2023 ICB contracts with independent providers ICB183 response letter here.
ICB184 09/01/2023 31/01/2023 Number of cataract operations and expenditure

ICB184 response letter here.

If you require a copy of the attachment within the response contact necsu.icbfoi@nhs.net

ICB185 10/01/2023 27/01/2023 GP Surgery Ownership & Rent

ICB185 response letter here.

ICB185 response letter attachment here.

ICB186 09/01/2023 17/01/2023 B12 deficiency guidelines

ICB186 response letter here.

ICB187 10/01/2023


Reissued 09/02/2023

Complex Care/ CHC Funded Care and Support Packages

ICB187 response letter here.

ICB188 11/01/2023


GP practice register size, Hartlepool One Life

ICB188 response letter here.

ICB189 10/01/2023


IFR, contracts & finance

ICB189 response letter here.

ICB190 12/01/2023


Mental Health budget 2023/24

ICB190 response letter here.

ICB191 09/01/2023


Local CGM/Flash policies for diabetes

ICB191 response letter here.

ICB192 16/01/2023


Number of staff directly employed by ICB

ICB192 response letter here.

ICB193 16/01/2023


Tongue Tie Assessment and Diagnosis

ICB193 response letter here.

ICB194 16/01/2023


Reports of Spiking

ICB194 response letter here.

ICB195 17/01/2023


Neurology Service Information

No response from applicant to request for clarification of their request.

ICB196 17/01/2023


Joint formulary for the North East and North Cumbria ICB

ICB196 response letter here.

ICB197 19/01/2023


GP patient list size

ICB197 response letter here.

ICB198 19/01/2023


GP practices, including the provider / operator of the practice

ICB198 response letter here.

ICB199 19/01/2023


Tier 3 and Tier 4 weight management services

No response from applicant to request for clarification of their request.

ICB200 20/01/2023


Elective Recovery Boards

ICB200 response letter here.

ICB201 23/01/2023


Commissioning for Children & Young People

ICB201 response letter here.

ICB202 12/01/2023


The process and decisions taken in respect of the contractual relationship with Goalseeker Limited or GLSKR.com Ltd

ICB202 response letter here.

ICB203 24/01/2023


Supplier payments over £30,000

ICB203 response letter here.

ICB204 24/01/2023


MH costs in various localities

ICB204 response letter here.

ICB205 25/01/2023


Information Regarding Property Top Up Insurance

ICB205 response letter here.

ICB206 25/01/2023


CAMHS Transformation Lead

ICB206 response letter here.

ICB207 26/01/2023


Urgent Treatment Centre's

ICB207 response letter here.

ICB208 26/01/2023


Skin cancer pathways

ICB208 response letter here.

ICB209 27/01/2023


Formulary for Urology/Continence Products

ICB209 response letter here.

ICB210 27/01/2023


Breast screening in accordance with NICE guidance

ICB210 response letter here.

ICB211 27/01/2023


Connectivity and Network Services

ICB211 response letter here.

ICB212 30/01/2023


Contact Centre & Chatbots

ICB212 response letter here.

ICB213 30/01/2023


ADHD NHS Right to Choose waiting list

ICB213 response letter here.

ICB214 30/01/2023


Telephony & Storage

ICB214 response letter here.

ICB215 30/01/2023


Structure chart request

ICB215 response letter here.

ICB216 31/01/2023


Breathlessness diagnostics

ICB216 response letter here.

ICB217 01/02/2023


Name/email address for specific posts

ICB217 response letter here.

ICB218 31/01/2023


Content of successful tender by Mental Health Concern

ICB218 response letter here.


Reference First working day

Date completed

Information requested Response
ICB150 01/12/2022


Endoscopy numbers across the UK Inflammatory Bowel Disease ICB150 response letter here.
ICB151 01/12/2022 15/12/2022 Perinatal Mental Health ICB151 response letter here.
ICB152 02/12/2022 13/12/2022 Post hospital interim assessment care funding ICB152 response letter here.
ICB153 02/12/2022 05/12/2022 North Cumbria Pathology Network ICB153 response letter here.
ICB154 02/12/2022 05/12/2022 Prescribing guidelines for Blood glucose monitoring

ICB154 response letter here.

ICB155 05/12/2022 13/12/2022 Primary Care rebates ICB155 response letter here.
ICB156 05/12/2022 22/12/2022 Prescribing decision support solution currently in place in the ICB ICB156 response letter here.
ICB157 05/12/2022 07/12/2022 NHS Health Check program for the ICB ICB157 response letter here.
ICB158 05/12/2022 16/12/2022 NHS 111 Service ICB158 response letter here.
ICB159 07/12/2022 19/12/2022 ICB’s budget and Board qualifications ICB159 response letter here.
ICB160 06/12/2022 06/12/2022 Reiki/Energy Healing

ICB160 response letter here.

Value based commissioning policy April 2022 here.

ICB161 08/12/2022 28/12/2022 Digital solutions for CHC services

ICB161 response letter here.

ICB162 08/12/2022 22/12/2022 Consultancies for transitioning from CCG to ICB ICB162 response letter here.
ICB163 13/12/2022 13/12/2022 ICB workforce strategic plan ICB163 response letter here.
ICB164 14/12/2022 30/12/2022 Care Services

ICB164 response letter here.

ICB165 14/12/2022 16/12/2022 Aromatherapy ICB165 response letter here.
ICB166 13/12/2022 11/01/2023 PHB spend on non-medical ICB166 response letter here.
ICB167 15/12/2022 12/01/2023 Community assisted living equipment ICB167 response letter here.
ICB168 15/12/2022 16/12/2022 Annual Accounts ICB168 response letter here.
ICB169 19/12/2022 22/12/2022 Face to face interpreting information ICB169 response letter here.
ICB170 20/12/2022 03/01/2023 Fees paid for MH and Deprivation of Liberty assessments ICB170 response letter here.
ICB171 20/12/2022 21/12/2022 Local Treatment Guidelines Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

ICB171 response letter here.

ICB172 20/12/2022 04/01/2023 ARRS Underspend

ICB1372 response letter here.

ICB173 22/12/2022 22/12/2022 Locum agency doctors ICB173 response letter here.
ICB174 22/12/2022 22/12/2022 Scans performed each year from 2017 to 2021 ICB174 response letter here.
ICB175 23/12/2022 28/12/2022 Locum GPs ICB175 response letter here.
ICB176 28/12/2022 10/01/2023 CAMHS ICB176 response letter here.
ICB177 28/12/2022 N/A Asked the applicant to put the request into an email instead of using an attachment Applicant did not respond so closed the request
ICB178 29/12/2022 20/01/2023 PCN clinical director and network manager details ICB178 response letter here.
ICB179 30/12/2022 24/01/2024 Provision of ADHD ICB179 response letter here.
ICB180 30/12/2022 24/01/2023 Autism Spectrum Disorder ICB180 response letter here.


Reference First working day Date completed Information requested Response
ICB116 01/11/2022

16/11/2022 (original response)


29/11/2022 (revised response following an Internal Review)
Action plan monitoring by CCG/ICB ICB116 response letter here.
ICB117 03/11/2022 08/11/2022 Copy of protocol for administration of Infliximab/Remsima infusions for patients receiving these infusions at Newcastle Hospital Trust sites. ICB117 response letter here.
ICB118 04/11/2022 04/11/2022 Cancelled hospital procedures 2022 ICB118 response letter here.
ICB119 04/11/2022 21/11/2022 Covid-19 booster injection ICB119 response letter here.
ICB120 03/11/2022 01/12/2022 Perinatal mental health

ICB120 response letter here.

ICB121 04/11/2022 08/11/2022 IT Systems/Digital Tools ICB121 response letter here.
ICB122 07/11/2022 01/12/2022 MFD & Printer Contracts ICB122 response letter here.
ICB123 07/11/2022 24/11/2022 Ophthalmology services – the provision of cataract pathways and providers ICB123 response letter here.
ICB124 08/11/2022 01/12/2022 Deduction of income tax from awards paid to inheritors of awardees ICB124 response letter here.
ICB125 08/11/2022 14/11/2022 Cataract surgeries ICB125 response letter here.
ICB126 09/11/2022 10/11/2022 Gluten Free prescriptions ICB126 response letter here.
ICB127 09/11/2022 24/11/2022 Availability of liquid antidepressant formulations

Position statement dosulepin in primary care here.

ICB127 response letter here.

Depression in children and adolescents here.

ICB128 09/11/2022 05/12/2022 Spend on recruitment and Staff numbers in ICB ICB128 response letter here.
ICB129 09/11/2022 24/11/2022 Changes relating to the formulary for blood glucose meters and test strips. ICB129 response letter here.
ICB130 09/11/2022 10/11/2022 Glucose monitoring & hybrid closed loop policies

ICB130 response letter here.

Appendix A here.

ICB131 09/11/2022 14/11/2022 Gynaecologists with expertise in diagnosing and managing conditions ICB131 response letter here.
ICB132 10/11/2022 11/11/2022 Virtual Wards ICB132 response letter here.
ICB133 11/11/2022 15/11/2022 Learning disability ICB133 response letter here.
ICB134 14/11/2022 29/11/2022 Uptake of flu vaccines in South Tyneside and Sunderland ICB134 response letter here.
ICB135 15/11/2022 06/12/2022 Uptake of booster covid vaccine in South Tyneside and Sunderland ICB135 response letter here.
ICB136 15/11/2022 24/11/2022 Mental Health Services ICB136 response letter here.
ICB137 16/11/2022 05/12/2022 Providers of ophthalmology services under contract with your ICB

ICB137 response letter here.

FOI response to ICB137 here.

ICB138 16/11/2022 25/11/2022 Roles & pay band of staff focused on Equality & Diversity

ICB138 response letter here.

ICB139 18/11/2022 15/12/2022 Stoma Appliances ICB139 response letter here.
ICB140 21/11/2022 22/11/2022 Urology Appliances ICB140 response letter here.
ICB141 21/11/2022 22/11/2022 Opthalmology ICB141 response letter here.
ICB142 21/11/2022 24/11/2022 Contractual arrangements with BGI Group ICB142 response letter here.
ICB143 22/11/2022 25/11/2022 Location of where ICB employees worked on Nov 17 ICB143 response letter here.
ICB144 23/11/2022 13/12/2022 Content of ICB contracts and staff qualifications ICB144 response letter here.
ICB145 23/11/2022 08/12/2022 Interpreters in maternity ICB145 response letter here.
ICB146 28/11/2022 29/11/2022 Copy of agreement between Churchlake Care Ltd and the Mews, New Herrington ICB146 response letter here.
ICB147 28/11/2022 16/12/2022 ARRS Spend in PCNs

ICB147 response letter here.

FOI ICB147 here.

ICB148 28/11/2022 29/11/2022 Coil Waiting Times ICB148 response letter here.
ICB149 30/11/2022 15/12/2022 Neurology Service Information ICB149 response letter here.


Reference First working day Date completed Information requested Response
ICB090 03/10/2022 18/10/2022 Primary care for young people with ADHD ICB090 response letter here.
ICB091 03/10/2022 10/11/2022 All correspondence regarding building of new surgery in Felton and on the lease at 51 Main Street ICB091 response letter here.
ICB092 03/10/2022 12/10/2022 Mobiles Devices ICB092 response letter here.
ICB093 06/10/2022 07/10/2022 Funding for MultipleSclerosis(MS) ICB093 response letter here.
ICB094 06/10/2022 12/10/2022 Pharmacy floor space ICB094 response letter here.
ICB095 06/10/2022 06/10/2022 Care Homes and Dentist Floor Space ICB095 response letter here.
ICB096 10/10/2022 17/10/2022 Social Media Management ICB096 response letter here.
ICB097 10/10/2022 24/10/2022 Blood glucose meter/strip formulary/recommendations ICB097 response letter here.
ICB098 13/10/2022 24/10/2022 Clinical decision support for Primary Care ICB098 response letter here.
ICB099 14/10/2022 26/10/2022 Primary Care Rebates ICB099 response letter here.
ICB100 17/10/2022 01/11/2022 Pathway for non-cancer related lower gastrointestinal symptoms ICB100 response letter here.
ICB101 17/10/2022 24/10/2022 Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ICB101 response letter here.
ICB102 17/10/2022 27/10/2022 Support For Children who are suicidal - Education ICB102 response letter here.
ICB103 17/10/2022 27/10/2022 Support For Children who are suicidal - GP's ICB103 response letter here.
ICB104 17/10/2022 20/10/2022 Support For Children who are suicidal - School Nurses ICB104 response letter here.
ICB105 17/10/2022 27/10/2022 Support For Children who are suicidal - Crisis Services ICB105 response letter here.
ICB106 19/10/2022 19/10/2022 Cost of ICB transition ICB106 response letter here.
ICB107 20/10/2022 28/10/2022 Digital Dictation, Voice Recognition, and medical transcription suppliers ICB107 response letter here.
ICB108 21/10/2022 16/11/2022 CHC Funded Homecare

ICB108 response letter here.

Disclosure log file note here.

ICB109 20/10/2022 28/11/2022 Contracts with Connect Health ICB109 response letter here.
ICB110 21/10/2022 08/11/2022 Delivery of IAPT Service, MSK Service and Dermatology Service ICB110 response letter here.
ICB111 24/10/2022 28/10/2022 MRIs overweight ICB111 response letter here.
ICB112 24/10/2022 18/11/2022 CICB information and minutes/plans/PIDS relating to Proposed new Felton surgery

ICB112 response letter here.

Minutes of Primary Care Commissioning Committee private meeting - 8th August 2022 here.

ICB113 25/10/2022 31/10/2022 Organogram Request

ICB113 response letter here.

ICB senior structure - 19th October 2022.

ICB114 26/10/2022 22/11/2022 Content of ICB contracts ICB114 amended response here.
ICB115 28/10/2022 24/11/2022 Hearing Aid Study ICB115 response letter here.

Reference First working day Date completed Information requested Response
ICB063 02/09/2022 14/09/2022 PCN information

ICB063 response letter here.

ICB063 response table all places here.

ICB064 05/09/2022 02/09/2022 Respiratory Diagnostic Equipment ICB064 response letter here.
ICB065 05/09/2022 06/09/2022 Guidelines for Melatonin for sleep disorders ICB065 response letter here.
ICB066 06/09/2022 26/09/2022 South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Community Diagnostic Centre project ICB066 response letter here.
ICB067 08/09/2022 08/09/2022 Mental Health Services No response from applicant to request for clarification of their request.
ICB068 08/09/2022 23/09/2022 Digital and Data Strategy, Cyber Security Plan ICB068 response letter here.
ICB069 09/09/2022 23/09/2022 Online Digital Triage Provider ICB069 response letter here.
ICB070 09/09/2022 26/09/2022 Nutrition / Dietetics Medicines Optimisation team ICB070 response letter here.
ICB071 12/09/2022 26/09/2022 Wheelchair Services ICB071 response letter here.
ICB072 13/09/2022 12/09/2022 Digital tools used in long term conditions No response from applicant to request for clarification of their request.
ICB073 13/09/2022 27/09/2022 Medicines Management ICB073 response letter here.
ICB074 14/09/2022 26/09/2022 Wound care formularies that fall within your ICS ICB074 response letter here.
ICB075 14/09/2022 27/09/2022 Out of Hours statistics ICB075 response letter here.
ICB076 15/09/2022 21/09/2022 South Tyneside CCG June spending over 25K

ICB076 response letter here.

NHS South Tyneside CCG invoices over £25k - June 2022 here.

ICB077 15/09/2022 14/09/2022 Appointment and promotion of staff This was responded to from the Comms Team. If you require a copy of the response contact necsu.icbfoi@nhs.net
ICB078 16/09/2022


The email addresses of senior staff members ICB078 response letter here.
ICB079 19/09/2022 04/10/2022 CHC Funded Homecare No response from applicant to request for clarification of their request.
ICB080 19/09/2022 04/10/2022 Blood glucose meters and test strip formulary ICB080 response letter here.
ICB081 19/09/2022 04/10/2022 ICB's Digital Dictation, Speech Recognition and Video Consultation solutions Request closed
ICB082 26/09/2022 18/10/2022 Delivery of PHB's, CHC and staff contact details ICB082 response letter here.
ICB083 27/09/2022 30/09/2022 Ophthalmology costs ICB083 response letter here.
ICB084 28/09/2022 28/09/2022 Primary Care Rebate Schemes ICB084 response letter here.
ICB085 28/09/2022 06/10/2022 111, GP out of hours and Clinical Assess Service Providers ICB085 response letter here.
ICB086 29/09/2022 20/10/2022 Temporal Cell /Giant Cell Arteritis

ICB086 response letter here.

FOI ICB086 here.

ICBO87 29/09/2022 06/10/2022 Hotels and taxis for out-of-area patients and their next of kin ICB087 response letter here.
ICB088 29/09/202 11/10/2022 IFRs ICB088 response letter here.
ICB089 30/09/2022 30/09/2022 Transforming Care – Learning Disability & Autism ICB089 response letter here.


Reference First working day Date completed Information requested Response
ICB031 01/08/2022 02/08/2022 PCN List, GP Practices and Clinical Directors ICB031 response letter here.
ICB032 01/08/2022 05/08/2022 Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) ICB032 response letter here.
ICB033 01/08/2022 09/08/2022 IFRs and OCD/BDD ICB033 response letter here.
ICB034 02/08/2022 09/08/2022 The Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health report

ICB034 response letter here.

Cumbria final report here.

ICB035 02/08/2022 02/08/2022 Procedure to prescribe Aciclover Agepha eye ointment Request withdrawn
ICB036 08/08/2022 10/08/2022 Contact details for leads in the ICB ICB036 response letter here.
ICB037 08/08/2022 24/08/2022 Digitisation of Lloyd George records ICB037 response letter here.
ICB038 08/08/2022 19/08/2022 Community Dermatology Services ICB038 response letter here.
ICB039 09/08/2022 01/09/2022 Tier 3 weight management and diabetes

ICB039 response letter here.

Response table ICB039 all places here.

ICB040 09/08/2022 06/09/2022 Funding

ICB040 response letter here.

ICB040 CD, NG, NLand, NT, ST, TV Q1a here.

ICB040 CD, NG, NLand, NT, ST, TV Q2a here.

ICB040 CD, NG, NLand, NT, ST, TV Q2b here.

ICB040 CD, NG, Nland, NT, ST, TV Q3b here.

ICB041 10/08/2022 11/08/2022 GP Federation names ICB041 response letter here.
ICB042 10/08/2022 09/08/2022 ICB Primary Care Contact ICB042 response letter here.
ICB043 10/08/2022 16/08/2022 Integrated Care Board payments to companies ICB043 response letter here.
ICB044 10/08/2022 25/08/2022 Mobile Phone Contracts ICB044 response letter here.
ICB045 11/08/2022 30/08/2022 Financial efforts to promote diversity ICB045 response letter here.
ICB046 11/08/2022 19/08/2022 Diabetes Systems ICB046 response letter here.
ICB047 11/08/2022 12/08/2022 Asthma prevalence ICB047 response letter here.
ICB048 11/08/2022 01/09/2022 Glaucoma ICB048 response letter here.
ICB049 11/08/2022 30/08/2022 Wound Care ICB049 response letter here.
ICB050 16/08/2022 25/08/2022 Assuring Transformation Target Rates ICB050 response letter here.
ICB051 16/08/2022 16/08/2022 Organisation structure ICB051 response letter here.
ICB052 16/08/2022 16/08/2022 Inflammatory Bowel Disease ICB052 response letter here.
ICB053 16/08/2022 22/08/2022 Palliative and End of Life Care self-assessment ICB053 response letter here.
ICB054 17/08/2022 16/08/2022 Robotic Process Automation ICB054 response letter here.
ICB055 17/08/2022 16/08/2022 Plans to consolidate formularies ICB055 response letter here.
ICB056 18/08/2022 13/09/2022 Safeguarding team contact details ICB056 response letter here.
ICB057 18/08/2022 25/08/2022 Same Sex Personal Care Policy ICB057 response letter here.
ICB058 22/08/2022 09/09/2022 Treatment or policies for management of children aged 18 and under ICB058 response letter here.
ICB059 24/08/2022 02/09/2022 Patient Transport Services ICB059 response letter here.
ICB060 24/08/2022 06/09/2022 GP Contact List ICB060 response letter here.
ICB061 25/08/2022 15/09/2022 Abortion services

ICB061 response letter here.

ICB061 TOPs tarriffs BPAS here.

ICB062 26/08/2022 13/09/2022 PCN List and contact details of managers

ICB062 response letter here.

ICB062 response table all places here.


Reference First working day Date completed Information requested Response
ICB001 04/07/2022 22/07/2022 Commissioning of services - respite care children

ICB001 response letter here.

Appendix A here.

ICB002 04/07/2022 06/07/2022 Mental Health Staff vacancies ICB002 response letter here.
ICB003 06/07/2022 22/07/2022 Contract provider for Statutory Advocacy Service & PHB Support Service ICB003 response letter here.
ICB004 07/07/2022 FOI Closed Autism Strategy FOI Closed
ICB005 08/07/2022 22/07/2022 Wheelchair Services ICB005 response letter here.
ICB006 08/07/2022 26/07/2022 GP Practices that have increased/decreased capacity in relation to floor space and any new ones opening ICB006 response letter here.
ICB007 08/07/2022 29/07/2022 Commissioning & provision of Mental Health, Learning Disability & Autism Clients ICB007 response letter here.
ICB008 11/07/2022 02/08/2022 ADHD ICB008 response letter here.
ICB009 11/07/2022 11/07/2022 Linthorpe GP Practice ICB009 response letter here.


21/07/2022 Smoking Cessation services ICB010 response letter here.
ICB011 14/07/2022 20/07/2022 Annual Birth data ICB011 response letter here.


02/08/2022 Mental Health treatment waiting times ICB012 response letter here.
ICB013 15/07/2022 15/07/2022 Digital Transformation of Care ICB013 response letter here.
ICB014 18/07/2022 04/08/2022 Nice Guidance for Disabled Children with Severe Complex Needs ICB014 response letter here.
ICB015 18/07/2022 18/07/2022 Tier 3 and Tier 4 weight loss services ICB015 response letter here.
ICB016 19/07/2022 04/08/2022 Care Home associated practices and designated PCNs ICB016 response letter here.
ICB017 19/07/2022 02/08/2022 CHC Assessment/Fast Track ICB017 response letter here.
ICB018 19/07/2022 21/07/2022 Shared Care Record & Software Provider ICB018 response letter here.
ICB019 08/08/2022 08/08/22 Contracts for non-NHS providers for health, mental health, children's services, and social care services ICB019 response letter here.
ICB020 20/07/2022 20/07/2022 Tech Enabled Virtual Wards ICB020 response letter here.
ICB021 22/07/2022 22/07/2022 contact details for the person responsible NENC ICB medicines management ICB021 response letter here.
ICB022 18/08/2022 18/08/2022 Axial Spondyloarthritis ICB022 response letter here.
ICB023 28/07/2022 28/07/2022 new provider of GP services ICB023 response letter here.
ICB024 02/08/2022 02/08/2022 Vanguard programee/GP links ICB024 response letter here.
ICB025 27/07/2022 27/07/2022 Cloud based job evaluation ICB025 response letter here.
ICB026 11/08/2022 11/08/2022 LES payments to GP's for Gonadorelins/Degarelix ICB026 response letter here.
ICB027 26/07/2022 26/07/2022 Data on strain that Covid-19 put on the mental health services ICB027 response letter here.
ICB028 02/08/2022 02/08/2022 Breast Cancer Screening ICB028 response letter here.
ICB029 11/08/2022 11/08/2022 Digital solutions Request closed
ICB030 19/08/2022 19/08/2022 Eyecare

ICB030 response letter here.

FOI response Papilledema here.

FOI response Papilledema 2 here.

NC response form here.

NC response Q2 Papilledema here.

Sunderland response form here.


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